Backlinks to LinkingAndNavigationVariables in all Webs (Search TWiki Web only)

Topics in TWiki web
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LOGIN present a full login link to non authenticated user Present a login link only to users that are not logged in Syntax: % LOGIN% Expand to:...
LOGINURL present a login link Present a login link, regardless of the state of login Syntax: % LOGINURL% Expand to: Category: LinkingAndNavigationVariables...
LOGOUT present a full logout link to authenticated user Present a logout link only to logged in users Syntax: % LOGOUT% Expand to: Category...
LOGOUTURL present a logout link Present a logout link, regardless of the state of login Syntax: % LOGOUTURL% Expand to: Category: LinkingAndNavigationVariables...

Number of topics: 4

Revision r1 - 2012-11-11 - 09:07:03 - TWikiContributor Edit