< < | Inter-Wiki Link Rules (or Links to other Sites) |
> > | Inter-Wiki Link Rules (or Links to other Sites) |
This topic lists all aliases needed to map Inter-Site links to external wikis/sites.
Whenever you write ExternalSite:Page it will be linked automatically to the page on the external site. The link points to the URL corresponding to the ExternalSite alias below, concatenated to the Page you choose. Example: Type Wiki:RecentChanges to get Wiki:RecentChanges, the RecentChanges page at the original Wiki site. |
< < | How to define Inter-Site links |
> > | How to define Inter-Site links |
- Inter-Site links are defined in the tables below.
- Each entry must be of format:
| External site alias | URL | Tooltip help text | .
- The Alias must start with an upper case letter and may contain alphanumeric letters.
- The URL and Tooltip Text may contain optional
$page variables; the variable gets expanded to the page name.
< < |
- Note: The Tooltip Text must not contain any HTML tags (including
<nop> escape code), no internal WikiWord links, and no external links. Hint: Escape 'WikiWords' and '$page' .
> > |
- Note: The Tooltip Text must not contain any HTML tags (including
<nop> escape code), no internal WikiWord links, and no external links. Hint: Escape 'WikiWords' and '$page' .
| |
< < | General Inter-Site Links |
> > | General Inter-Site Links |
< < | Inter-Wiki Links |
> > | Inter-Wiki Links |
Note: This topic configures the InterwikiPlugin.
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| Inter-Wiki Link Rules (or Links to other Sites)
This topic lists all aliases needed to map Inter-Site links to external wikis/sites.
Whenever you write ExternalSite:Page it will be linked automatically to the page on the external site. The link points to the URL corresponding to the ExternalSite alias below, concatenated to the Page you choose. Example: Type Wiki:RecentChanges to get Wiki:RecentChanges, the RecentChanges page at the original Wiki site.
How to define Inter-Site links
- Inter-Site links are defined in the tables below.
- Each entry must be of format:
| External site alias | URL | Tooltip help text | .
- The Alias must start with an upper case letter and may contain alphanumeric letters.
- The URL and Tooltip Text may contain optional
$page variables; the variable gets expanded to the page name.
- Note: The Tooltip Text must not contain any HTML tags (including
<nop> escape code), no internal WikiWord links, and no external links. Hint: Escape 'WikiWords' and '$page' .
General Inter-Site Links
< < |
> > |
Inter-Wiki Links
> > |
Note: This topic configures the InterwikiPlugin.
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| Inter-Wiki Link Rules (or Links to other Sites)
This topic lists all aliases needed to map Inter-Site links to external wikis/sites.
Whenever you write ExternalSite:Page it will be linked automatically to the page on the external site. The link points to the URL corresponding to the ExternalSite alias below, concatenated to the Page you choose. Example: Type Wiki:RecentChanges to get Wiki:RecentChanges, the RecentChanges page at the original Wiki site.
How to define Inter-Site links |
< < |
- Inter-Site links are defined in the tables below.
- Each entry must be of format:
| External site alias | URL | Tooltip help text | .
- The URL and Tooltip Text may contain optional
$page variables; the variable gets expanded to the page name.
- Note: The Tooltip Text must not contain any HTML tags (including
<nop> escape code), no internal WikiWord links, and no external links. Hint: Escape 'WikiWords' and '$page' .
> > |
- Inter-Site links are defined in the tables below.
- Each entry must be of format:
| External site alias | URL | Tooltip help text | .
- The Alias must start with an upper case letter and may contain alphanumeric letters.
- The URL and Tooltip Text may contain optional
$page variables; the variable gets expanded to the page name.
> > |
- Note: The Tooltip Text must not contain any HTML tags (including
<nop> escape code), no internal WikiWord links, and no external links. Hint: Escape 'WikiWords' and '$page' .
General Inter-Site Links
Inter-Wiki Links
Note: This topic configures the InterwikiPlugin.
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| Inter-Wiki Link Rules (or Links to other Sites)
This topic lists all aliases needed to map Inter-Site links to external wikis/sites.
Whenever you write ExternalSite:Page it will be linked automatically to the page on the external site. The link points to the URL corresponding to the ExternalSite alias below, concatenated to the Page you choose. Example: Type Wiki:RecentChanges to get Wiki:RecentChanges, the RecentChanges page at the original Wiki site.
How to define Inter-Site links
- Inter-Site links are defined in the tables below.
- Each entry must be of format:
| External site alias | URL | Tooltip help text | .
- The URL and Tooltip Text may contain optional
$page variables; the variable gets expanded to the page name.
- Note: The Tooltip Text must not contain any HTML tags (including
<nop> escape code), no internal WikiWord links, and no external links. Hint: Escape 'WikiWords' and '$page' .
General Inter-Site Links
> > |
> > |
Inter-Wiki Links
> > |
< < |
> > |
< < | Note: This topic is powered by the InterwikiPlugin. |
> > | Note: This topic configures the InterwikiPlugin. |
| |
> > | Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| |
| Inter-Wiki Link Rules (or Links to other Sites)
This topic lists all aliases needed to map Inter-Site links to external wikis/sites.
Whenever you write ExternalSite:Page it will be linked automatically to the page on the external site. The link points to the URL corresponding to the ExternalSite alias below, concatenated to the Page you choose. Example: Type Wiki:RecentChanges to get Wiki:RecentChanges, the RecentChanges page at the original Wiki site.
How to define Inter-Site links
- Inter-Site links are defined in the tables below.
- Each entry must be of format:
| External site alias | URL | Tooltip help text | .
- The URL and Tooltip Text may contain optional
$page variables; the variable gets expanded to the page name.
- Note: The Tooltip Text must not contain any HTML tags (including
<nop> escape code), no internal WikiWord links, and no external links. Hint: Escape 'WikiWords' and '$page' .
> > |
Inter-Site Links
| Inter-Wiki Links
< < |
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> > |
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< < |
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< < | Miscellaneous Inter-Site Links |
> > | |
< < |
Note: This topic is powered by the InterwikiPlugin. |

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