<<O>> Difference Topic ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs (2 - 2013-11-27 - TWikiContributor) |
Read only and mirror web support
ScopeThis topic describes how to set up read-only webs. A read-only web can be mirrored from another site. But how to mirror a web from another site is out of scope.
MotivationThere are cases where read-only webs are useful.
Master and slaveLet's assume a federated TWiki sites depicted on MetadataRepository#Federation_of_sites. Each web has one master site and the other sites are slave. On such a web, updates happen only on the master site and the slaves get those changes when they mirror the web.
Local websEach site in a federation needs to have some webs locally without sharing them with other federation members - definitely with the Trash web. It's not critical but the Sandbox web should not be mirrored hence should be local to each site. If this feature is not turned on, all webs are regarded local.
Content modesGiven the explanation so far, a web is either of the following content modes.
In case you need to know which mode a web is in, the contentMode attribute of the session object has a mode name. In a skin, you can use the context each mode provides.
Setting up
Setting the site's identifier (a few character long alpha-numeric string) to There are two ways to set read-only and mirroring related information. One is to use MetadataRepository and the other is setting preferences on WebPreferences. For a site federation having hundreds or thousands of webs, MetadataRepository should be the only practical option. But just to make %SYSTEMWEB% read-only, that's too much. So you can accomplish that without introducing MetadataRepository. That should be handy if you want to try it out before diving into it.
WebPreferences | ||||||||||||||||
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If you are not using MetadataRepository, you can make a web read-only by setting MASTERSITENAME on WebPreferences to 'ro' (or 'readonly' or anhything different from $TWiki::cfg{ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs}{SiteName} value.
If it's a mirror site copied from another site which is accessible, you need to set MASTERWEBSCRIPTURLTMPL to e.g. http://twiki.example.com/cgi-bin//WebName. If the master site needs a file name extension such as .cgi for CGI programs, you need to set MASTERSCRIPTSUFFIX. There are cases where the view URL format is different from URLs for other operations. For example, view URLs may be http:/twiki.example.com/Web/Topic. In such cases, you should set MASTERWEBVIEWURL to e.g. http:/twiki.example.com/Web. Because this is not the norm, MASTERWEBVIEWURL is optional.
Metadata Repository | ||||||||||||||||
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If you use MetadataRepository, read-only and mirroring related information comes only from MetadataRepository (except with $TWiki::cfg{ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs}{SiteName} ) and preferences on WebPreferences don't matter.
The web's 'master' field specifies the master site.
If it's the same as If the sites table doesn't have the record for the master site, the web is regarded as 'read-only'. Even if there is a record, if the record doesn't have the 'scripturl' field, the web is still regarded as 'read-only' If the 'scripturl' field is present, the web is regarded as 'slave' and the 'scripturl' value is used to make the 'webScriptUrlTmpl' value of the web. In addition, the 'scriptsuffix' and 'viewurl' fields of the site record are examined.
Tool bar link for mirroring | ||||||||||||||||
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A master web is to have a link to mirror the web to all slave sites.
The link is to be defined by the "action_master" template,
which is null by default.
If you provide a mechanism to manually mirror a master web to the other sites,
you are supposed to have viewtopicactionbuttons.mirror.tmpl defining "action_master".
Here's an example:
%TMPL:INCLUDE{"viewtopicactionbuttons"}% %TMPL:DEF{"action_master"}%%TMPL:P{"mirror_to_all_link"}%%TMPL:P{"sep"}%%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"mirror_to_all_link"}%<span> <a href='%SCRIPTURL{"mirror"}%?webs=%WEB%;push=1' rel='nofollow' onClick='return confirm("%MAKETEXT{"Do you really want to mirror to all slave sites now?\nIt may take a while to complete."}%");' %MAKETEXT{"title='Mirror this web to all slave sites'>Mirror to all"}%</a> </span>%TMPL:END%Then you would define SKIN as follows. * Set SKIN = mirror, tagme, topmenu, pattern
How read-only and mirror webs affect TWiki's behaviorBesides contexts mentioned above, read-only and mirror webs affect TWiki's behavior as shown below.
Skin | ||||||||||||||||
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A topic on a read-only web is displayed in the same manner as a topic of a prior revision - Edit, Attach, and More actions links are disabled.
This is a natural consequence of a read-only web causing the inactive context, which is like a non-current version of a topic causes the inactive context.
There no special care taken in skin template files.
A topic on a slave web looks similar but Edit and Attach links are pointing to the master site. The "More actions..." link is disabled. And "View master" link is added on the bottom tool bar.
The If you have a federation of sites, you may provide a manual mirroring feature. That feature would show the "Mirror to all" button on a master web as follows.
For this, aforementioned
You would provide
Variables and context | ||||||||||||||||
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In plug-in code | ||||||||||||||||
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Statistics script
Mirrored webs
If you run a federation of sites, you should want to consolidate access figures of the master web and the slave webs.
Taking the example on the topic,
WebOne.WebStatistics should be of accesses on the servers
For that, access log files need to be copied among the federation members.
Concretely speaking,
If $TWiki::cfg{Stats}{LogFileGlob} = "$TWiki::cfg{LogDir}*/log%DATE%.*.txt";In the example above, the following things are assumed/implied.
Read-only webs
By default, read-only webs don't get their WebStatistics topic updated because you cannot update topics there.
By setting $TWiki::cfg{Stats}{ReadOnlyWebs} = [qw(TWiki)]; $TWiki::cfg{Stats}{ReadOnlyWebStatsOn} = $TWiki::cfg{UsersWebName};On a read-only web, WebStatistics is supposed be as follows. This way, users don't have to know where read-only webs' statistics are housed. %INCLUDE{"%USERSWEB%.%WEB%WebStatistics" disablefixlinks="on"}%
Site statistics
The site statistics is written on the
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There is no harm in trying to remove expired lease files of read-only and mirror webs but that's waste of CPU and I/O.
So | |||||||||||||||
Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, MetadataRepository, VarCONTENTMODE, VarSCRIPTURL2, VarWEBLIST
<<O>> Difference Topic ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs (1 - 2012-12-12 - TWikiContributor) |
Read only and mirror web support
ScopeThis topic describes how to set up read-only webs. A read-only web can be mirrored from another site. But how to mirror a web from another site is out of scope.
MotivationThere are cases where read-only webs are useful.
Master and slaveLet's assume a federated TWiki sites depicted on MetadataRepository#Federation_of_sites. Each web has one master site and the other sites are slave. On such a web, updates happen only on the master site and the slaves get those changes when they mirror the web.
Local websEach site in a federation needs to have some webs locally without sharing them with other federation members - definitely with the Trash web. It's not critical but the Sandbox web should not be mirrored hence should be local to each site. If this feature is not turned on, all webs are regarded local.
Content modesGiven the explanation so far, a web is either of the following content modes.
In case you need to know which mode a web is in, the contentMode attribute of the session object has a mode name. In a skin, you can use the context each mode provides.
Setting up
Setting the site's identifier (a few character long alpha-numeric string) to There are two ways to set read-only and mirroring related information. One is to use MetadataRepository and the other is setting preferences on WebPreferences. For a site federation having hundreds or thousands of webs, MetadataRepository should be the only practical option. But just to make %SYSTEMWEB% read-only, that's too much. So you can accomplish that without introducing MetadataRepository. That should be handy if you want to try it out before diving into it.
WebPreferencesIf you are not using MetadataRepository, you can make a web read-only by setting MASTERSITENAME on WebPreferences to 'ro' (or 'readonly' or anhything different from$TWiki::cfg{ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs}{SiteName} value.
If it's a mirror site copied from another site which is accessible, you need to set MASTERWEBSCRIPTURLTMPL to e.g. http://twiki.example.com/cgi-bin//WebName. If the master site needs a file name extension such as .cgi for CGI programs, you need to set MASTERSCRIPTSUFFIX. There are cases where the view URL format is different from URLs for other operations. For example, view URLs may be http:/twiki.example.com/Web/Topic. In such cases, you should set MASTERWEBVIEWURL to e.g. http:/twiki.example.com/Web. Because this is not the norm, MASTERWEBVIEWURL is optional.
Metadata RepositoryIf you use MetadataRepository, read-only and mirroring related information comes only from MetadataRepository (except with$TWiki::cfg{ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs}{SiteName} ) and preferences on WebPreferences don't matter.
The web's 'master' field specifies the master site.
If it's the same as If the sites table doesn't have the record for the master site, the web is regarded as 'read-only'. Even if there is a record, if the record doesn't have the 'scripturl' field, the web is still regarded as 'read-only' If the 'scripturl' field is present, the web is regarded as 'slave' and the 'scripturl' value is used to make the 'webScriptUrlTmpl' value of the web. In addition, the 'scriptsuffix' and 'viewurl' fields of the site record are examined.
Tool bar link for mirroringA master web is to have a link to mirror the web to all slave sites. The link is to be defined by the "action_master" template, which is null by default. If you provide a mechanism to manually mirror a master web to the other sites, you are supposed to haveviewtopicactionbuttons.mirror.tmpl defining "action_master".
Here's an example:
%TMPL:INCLUDE{"viewtopicactionbuttons"}% %TMPL:DEF{"action_master"}%%TMPL:P{"mirror_to_all_link"}%%TMPL:P{"sep"}%%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"mirror_to_all_link"}%<span> <a href='%SCRIPTURL{"mirror"}%?webs=%WEB%;push=1' rel='nofollow' onClick='return confirm("%MAKETEXT{"Do you really want to mirror to all slave sites now?\nIt may take a while to complete."}%");' %MAKETEXT{"title='Mirror this web to all slave sites'>Mirror to all"}%</a> </span>%TMPL:END%Then you would define SKIN as follows. * Set SKIN = mirror, tagme, topmenu, pattern
How read-only and mirror webs affect TWiki's behaviorBesides contexts mentioned above, read-only and mirror webs affect TWiki's behavior as shown below.
SkinA topic on a read-only web is displayed in the same manner as a topic of a prior revision - Edit, Attach, and More actions links are disabled. This is a natural consequence of a read-only web causing the inactive context, which is like a non-current version of a topic causes the inactive context. There no special care taken in skin template files.A topic on a slave web looks similar but Edit and Attach links are pointing to the master site. The "More actions..." link is disabled. And "View master" link is added on the bottom tool bar.
The If you have a federation of sites, you may provide a manual mirroring feature. That feature would show the "Mirror to all" button on a master web as follows.
For this, aforementioned
You would provide
Variables and context
In plug-in code
Statistics script
Mirrored webs
If you run a federation of sites, you should want to consolidate access figures of the master web and the slave webs.
Taking the example on the topic,
WebOne.WebStatistics should be of accesses on the servers
For that, access log files need to be copied among the federation members.
Concretely speaking,
If $TWiki::cfg{Stats}{LogFileGlob} = "$TWiki::cfg{LogDir}*/log%DATE%.*.txt";In the example above, the following things are assumed/implied.
Read-only webs
By default, read-only webs don't get their WebStatistics topic updated because you cannot update topics there.
By setting $TWiki::cfg{Stats}{ReadOnlyWebs} = [qw(TWiki)]; $TWiki::cfg{Stats}{ReadOnlyWebStatsOn} = $TWiki::cfg{UsersWebName};On a read-only web, WebStatistics is supposed be as follows. This way, users don't have to know where read-only webs' statistics are housed. %INCLUDE{"%USERSWEB%.%WEB%WebStatistics" disablefixlinks="on"}%
Site statistics
The site statistics is written on the
Change notification by Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, MetadataRepository, VarCONTENTMODE, VarSCRIPTURL2, VarWEBLIST
Revision r2 - 2013-11-27 - 02:07:56 - TWikiContributor | Edit |