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 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiMetaDotPm (5 - 2013-10-14 - TWikiContributor)

Package =TWiki::Meta

All TWiki topics have data (text) and meta-data (information about the topic). Meta-data includes information such as file attachments, form fields, topic parentage etc. When TWiki loads a topic from the store, it represents the meta-data in the topic using an object of this class.

A meta-data object is a hash of different types of meta-data (keyed on the type, such as 'FIELD' and 'TOPICINFO').

Each entry in the hash is an array, where each entry in the array contains another hash of the key=value pairs, corresponding to a single meta-datum.

If there may be multiple entries of the same top-level type (i.e. for FIELD and FILEATTACHMENT) then the array has multiple entries. These types are referred to as "keyed" types. The array entries are keyed with the attribute 'name' which must be in each entry in the array.

For unkeyed types, the array has only one entry.


    • author => '...'
    • date => '...'
    • ...
    • [0] -> { name => '...' ... }
    • [1] -> { name => '...' ... }
    • [0] -> { name => '...' ... }
    • [1] -> { name => '...' ... }

As well as the meta-data, the object also stores the web name, topic name and remaining text after meta-data extraction.

ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$topic,$text)

  • $session - a TWiki object (e.g. =$TWiki::Plugins::SESSION)
  • $web, $topic - the topic that the metadata relates to
Construct a new, empty object to contain meta-data for the given topic.
  • $text - optional raw text to convert to meta-data form

ObjectMethod finish ()

Break circular references.

ObjectMethod session ()

Get the session

ObjectMethod web ()

Get the web name

ObjectMethod topic ()

Get the topic name


ObjectMethod topicTitle ()

Get/set the topic title. In order of sequence, the topic title is defined by: Form field named "Title", topic preference setting named TITLE, topic name.


ObjectMethod text ([$text]) -> $text

Get/set the topic body text. If $text is undef, gets the value, if it is defined, sets the value to that and returns the new text.

ObjectMethod put ($type,\%args)

Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta. This will not replace another value with the same name (for that see putKeyed)

For example,

$meta->put( 'FIELD', { name => 'MaxAge', title => 'Max Age', value =>'103' } );

ObjectMethod putKeyed ($type,\%args)

Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta, replacing any existing value with the same key.

For example,

$meta->putKeyed( 'FIELD', { name => 'MaxAge', title => 'Max Age', value =>'103' } );

ObjectMethod *putAll

Replaces all the items of a given key with a new array.

For example,

$meta->putAll( 'FIELD',
     { name => 'MinAge', title => 'Min Age', value =>'50' },
     { name => 'MaxAge', title => 'Max Age', value =>'103' },
     { name => 'HairColour', title => 'Hair Colour', value =>'white' }

ObjectMethod get ($type,$key) -> \%hash

Find the value of a meta-datum in the map. If the type is keyed (idenitifed by a name), the $key parameter is required to say which entry you want. Otherwise you will just get the first value.

If you want all the keys of a given type use the 'find' method.

The result is a reference to the hash for the item.

For example,

my $ma = $meta->get( 'FIELD', 'MinAge' );
my $topicinfo = $meta->get( 'TOPICINFO' ); # get the TOPICINFO hash

@v"> ObjectMethod find ($type) -> @values

Get all meta data for a specific type. Returns the array stored for the type. This will be zero length if there are no entries.

For example,

my $attachments = $meta->find( 'FILEATTACHMENT' );

ObjectMethod remove ($type,$key)

With no type, will remove all the contents of the object.

With a $type but no $key, will remove all items of that type (so for example if $type were FILEATTACHMENT it would remove all of them)

With a $type and a $key it will remove only the specific item.

ObjectMethod copyFrom ($otherMeta,$type,$nameFilter)

Copy all entries of a type from another meta data set. This will destroy the old values for that type, unless the copied object doesn't contain entries for that type, in which case it will retain the old values.

If $type is undef, will copy ALL TYPES.

If $nameFilter is defined (a perl refular expression), it will copy only data where {name} matches $nameFilter.

Does not copy web, topic or text.

ObjectMethod count ($type) -> $integer

Return the number of entries of the given type

ObjectMethod *getRevisionInfo ($fromrev) -> ($date,$author,$rev,$comment)

Try and get revision info from the meta information, or, if it is not present, kick down to the Store module for the same information.

Returns ( $revDate, $author, $rev, $comment )

$rev is an integer revision number.

ObjectMethod merge ($otherMeta,$formDef)

  • $otherMeta - a block of meta-data to merge with $this
  • $formDef reference to a TWiki::Form that gives the types of the fields in $this

Merge the data in the other meta block.

  • File attachments that only appear in one set are preserved.
  • Form fields that only appear in one set are preserved.
  • Form field values that are different in each set are text-merged
  • We don't merge for field attributes or title
  • Topic info is not touched
  • The mergeable method on the form def is used to determine if that fields is mergeable. if it isn't, the value currently in meta will not be changed.

ObjectMethod stringify ($types) -> $string

Return a string version of the meta object. Uses \n to separate lines. If $types is specified, return only types that match it. Types should be a perl regular expression.

ObjectMethod *forEachSelectedValue ($types,$keys,\&fn,\%options)

Iterate over the values selected by the regular expressions in $types and $keys.

  • $types - regular expression matching the names of fields to be processed. Will default to qr/^[A-Z]+$/ if undef.
  • $keys - regular expression matching the names of keys to be processed. Will default to qr/^[a-z]+$/ if undef.

Iterates over each value, calling \&fn on each, and replacing the value with the result of \&fn.

\%options will be passed on to $fn, with the following additions:

  • _type => the type name (e.g. "FILEATTACHMENT")
  • _key => the key name (e.g. "user")

ObjectMethod getParent () -> $parent

Gets the TOPICPARENT name.

ObjectMethod getFormName () -> $formname

Returns the name of the FORM, or '' if none.

ObjectMethod *renderFormForDisplay () -> $html

Render the form contained in the meta for display.

ObjectMethod *renderFormFieldForDisplay ($name,$format,$attrs) -> $text

Render a single formfield, using the $format. See TWiki::Form::FormField::renderForDisplay for a description of how the value is rendered.

ObjectMethod *getEmbeddedStoreForm () -> $text

Generate the embedded store form of the topic. The embedded store form has meta-data values embedded using %META: lines. The text stored in the meta is taken as the topic text.

ObjectMethod getMetaFor () -> $meta

This method will load (or otherwise fetch) the meta-data for a named web/topic. The request might be satisfied by a read from the store, or it might be satisfied from a cache. The caller doesn't care.

This is an object method rather than a static method because it depends on the implementation of Meta - it might be this base class, or it might be a caching subclass, for example.

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiMetaDotPm (4 - 2008-01-22 - TWikiContributor)

Package =TWiki::Meta

Meta-data handling.
All TWiki topics have data (text) and meta-data (information about the
topic). Meta-data includes information such as file attachments, form fields, topic parentage etc. When TWiki loads a topic from the store, it represents the meta-data in the topic using an object of this class.
  A meta-data object is a hash of different types of meta-data (keyed on the type, such as 'FIELD' and 'TOPICINFO').

Each entry in the hash is an array, where each entry in the array contains another hash of the key=value pairs, corresponding to a single meta-datum.

If there may be multiple entries of the same top-level type (i.e. for FIELD

and FILEATTACHMENT) then the array hash multiple entries. These types
and FILEATTACHMENT) then the array has multiple entries. These types
 are referred to as "keyed" types. The array entries are keyed with the attribute 'name' which must be in each entry in the array.

For unkeyed types, the array has only one entry.

The module knows nothing about how meta-data is stored. That is entirely the responsibility of the Store module.
    • author => '...'
    • date => '...'
    • ...
    • [0] -> { name => '...' ... }
    • [1] -> { name => '...' ... }
    • [0] -> { name => '...' ... }
    • [1] -> { name => '...' ... }
Meta-data objects are created by the Store engine when topics are read. They are populated using the put method.
As well as the meta-data, the object also stores the web name, topic name and remaining text after meta-data extraction.


ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$topic)


ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$topic,$text)

  • $session - a TWiki object (e.g. =$TWiki::Plugins::SESSION)
  • $web, $topic - the topic that the metadata relates to
Construct a new, empty object to contain meta-data for the given topic.
  • $text - optional raw text to convert to meta-data form
Construct a new, empty Meta collection.

ObjectMethod finish ()

Break circular references.

ClassMethod web ()


ObjectMethod session ()

Get the session

ObjectMethod web ()

 Get the web name


ClassMethod topic ()


ObjectMethod topic ()

  Get the topic name


ObjectMethod text ([$text]) -> $text

Get/set the topic body text. If $text is undef, gets the value, if it is defined, sets the value to that and returns the new text.


ObjectMethod put ($type,\%args)

Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta.
Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta. This
will not replace another value with the same name (for that see putKeyed)
See the main comment for this package to understand how meta-data is represented.
For example,
$meta->put( 'FIELD', { name => 'MaxAge', title => 'Max Age', value =>'103' } );

ObjectMethod putKeyed ($type,\%args)

Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta. The entries are keyed by 'name'.
Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta, replacing any existing value with the same key.
See the main comment for this package to understand how meta-data is represented.
For example,
$meta->putKeyed( 'FIELD', { name => 'MaxAge', title => 'Max Age', value =>'103' } );

ObjectMethod *putAll

Replaces all the items of a given key with a new array
Replaces all the items of a given key with a new array.
This is the logical inverse of the find method
For example,
$meta->putAll( 'FIELD',
     { name => 'MinAge', title => 'Min Age', value =>'50' },
     { name => 'MaxAge', title => 'Max Age', value =>'103' },
     { name => 'HairColour', title => 'Hair Colour', value =>'white' }

ObjectMethod get ($type,$key) -> \%hash

Find the value of a meta-datum in the map. If the type is keyed, the $key parameter is required to say which entry you want. Otherwise it can be undef.
Find the value of a meta-datum in the map. If the type is keyed (idenitifed by a name), the $key parameter is required to say which entry you want. Otherwise you will just get the first value.
WARNING SMELL If key is undef but the type is keyed you get the FIRST entry
 If you want all the keys of a given type use the 'find' method.

The result is a reference to the hash for the item.

For example,
my $ma = $meta->get( 'FIELD', 'MinAge' );
my $topicinfo = $meta->get( 'TOPICINFO' ); # get the TOPICINFO hash

@v"> ObjectMethod find ($type) -> @values

Get all meta data for a specific type
Get all meta data for a specific type.
 Returns the array stored for the type. This will be zero length if there are no entries.
For example,
my $attachments = $meta->find( 'FILEATTACHMENT' );

StaticMethod *indexByKey

See tests/unit/MetaTests.pm for an example

The result is a hash the same as the array provided by find but keyed by the keyName. NB. results are indeterminate if the key you choose is not unique in the find.

Flattens a keyed hash structure, taking only the values. Returns a hash.

See tests/unit/MetaTests.pm for an example


ObjectMethod remove ($type,$key)

With no type, will remove all the contents of the object.

With a $type but no $key, will remove all items of that type (so for example if $type were FILEATTACHMENT it would remove all of them)

With a $type and a $key it will remove only the specific item.

ObjectMethod copyFrom ($otherMeta,$type,$nameFilter)

Copy all entries of a type from another meta data set. This will destroy the old values for that type, unless the copied object doesn't contain entries for that type, in which case it will retain the old values.

If $type is undef, will copy ALL TYPES.

If $nameFilter is defined (an RE), it will copy only data where {name} matches $nameFilter.
If $nameFilter is defined (a perl refular expression), it will copy only data where {name} matches $nameFilter.
SMELL: This is a shallow copy
Does not copy web, topic or text.

ObjectMethod count ($type) -> $integer

Return the number of entries of the given type that are in this meta set
Return the number of entries of the given type

ObjectMethod *getRevisionInfo ($fromrev) -> ($date,$author,$rev,$comment)

Try and get revision info from the meta information, or, if it is not present, kick down to the Store module for the same information.

Returns ( $revDate, $author, $rev, $comment )

$rev is an integer revision number.

ObjectMethod merge ($otherMeta,$formDef)

  • $otherMeta - a block of meta-data to merge with $this
  • $formDef reference to a TWiki::Form that gives the types of the fields in $this

Merge the data in the other meta block.

  • File attachments that only appear in one set are preserved.
  • Form fields that only appear in one set are preserved.
  • Form field values that are different in each set are text-merged
  • We don't merge for field attributes or title
  • Topic info is not touched
  • The mergeable method on the form def is used to determine if that fields is mergeable. if it isn't, the value currently in meta will not be changed.

ObjectMethod stringify ($types) -> $string

Return a string version of the meta object. Uses \n to separate lines.

If $types is specified, return only types specified by that RE.
If $types is specified, return only types
that match it. Types should be a perl regular expression.

ObjectMethod *forEachSelectedValue ($types,$keys,\&fn,\%options)

Iterate over the values selected by the regular expressions in $types and $keys.

  • $types - regular expression matching the names of fields to be processed. Will default to qr/^[A-Z]+$/ if undef.
  • $keys - regular expression matching the names of keys to be processed. Will default to qr/^[a-z]+$/ if undef.

Iterates over each value, calling \&fn on each, and replacing the value with the result of \&fn.

\%options will be passed on to $fn, with the following additions:

  • _type => the type name (e.g. "FILEATTACHMENT")
  • _key => the key name (e.g. "user")

ObjectMethod getParent () -> $parent

Gets the TOPICPARENT name.

ObjectMethod getFormName () -> $formname

Returns the name of the FORM, or '' if none.


ObjectMethod *renderFormForDisplay () -> $html

Render the form contained in the meta for display.

ObjectMethod *renderFormFieldForDisplay ($name,$format,$attrs) -> $text

Render a single formfield, using the $format. See TWiki::Form::FormField::renderForDisplay for a description of how the value is rendered.

ObjectMethod *getEmbeddedStoreForm () -> $text

Generate the embedded store form of the topic. The embedded store form has meta-data values embedded using %META: lines. The text stored in the meta is taken as the topic text.

ObjectMethod getMetaFor () -> $meta

This method will load (or otherwise fetch) the meta-data for a named web/topic. The request might be satisfied by a read from the store, or it might be satisfied from a cache. The caller doesn't care.

This is an object method rather than a static method because it depends on the implementation of Meta - it might be this base class, or it might be a caching subclass, for example.


 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiMetaDotPm (3 - 2007-01-16 - TWikiContributor)

Package =TWiki::Meta

Meta-data handling.

A meta-data object is a hash of different types of meta-data (keyed on the type, such as 'FIELD' and 'TOPICINFO').

Each entry in the hash is an array, where each entry in the array contains another hash of the key=value pairs, corresponding to a single meta-datum.

If there may be multiple entries of the same top-level type (i.e. for FIELD and FILEATTACHMENT) then the array hash multiple entries. These types are referred to as "keyed" types. The array entries are keyed with the attribute 'name' which must be in each entry in the array.

For unkeyed types, the array has only one entry.

The module knows nothing about how meta-data is stored. That is entirely the responsibility of the Store module.

Meta-data objects are created by the Store engine when topics are read. They are populated using the put method.

ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$topic)

Construct a new, empty Meta collection.

ClassMethod web ()

 Get the web name

ClassMethod topic ()

 Get the topic name

ObjectMethod put ($type,\%args)

Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta.

See the main comment for this package to understand how meta-data is represented.

ObjectMethod putKeyed ($type,\%args)

Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta. The entries are keyed by 'name'.

See the main comment for this package to understand how meta-data is represented.

ObjectMethod *putAll

 Replaces all the items of a given key with a new array This is the logical inverse of the find method

ObjectMethod get ($type,$key) -> \%hash

Find the value of a meta-datum in the map. If the type is keyed, the $key parameter is required to say which entry you want. Otherwise it can be undef.

WARNING SMELL If key is undef but the type is keyed you get the FIRST entry If you want all the keys of a given type use the 'find' method.

The result is a reference to the hash for the item.

@v"> ObjectMethod find ($type) -> @values

Get all meta data for a specific type Returns the array stored for the type. This will be zero length if there are no entries.

StaticMethod *indexByKey

See tests/unit/MetaTests.pm for an example

The result is a hash the same as the array provided by find but keyed by the keyName. NB. results are indeterminate if the key you choose is not unique in the find.

Flattens a keyed hash structure, taking only the values. Returns a hash.

See tests/unit/MetaTests.pm for an example

ObjectMethod remove ($type,$key)

With no type, will remove all the contents of the object.

With a $type but no $key, will remove all items of that type (so for example if $type were FILEATTACHMENT it would remove all of them)

With a $type and a $key it will remove only the specific item.

ObjectMethod copyFrom ($otherMeta,$type,$nameFilter)

Copy all entries of a type from another meta data set. This will destroy the old values for that type, unless the copied object doesn't contain entries for that type, in which case it will retain the old values.

If $type is undef, will copy ALL TYPES.

If $nameFilter is defined (an RE), it will copy only data where {name} matches $nameFilter.

SMELL: That spec absolutely STINKS !!
SMELL: This is a shallow copy
SMELL: this is a shallow copy

ObjectMethod count ($type) -> $integer

Return the number of entries of the given type that are in this meta set

ObjectMethod *getRevisionInfo ($fromrev) -> ($date,$author,$rev,$comment)

Try and get revision info from the meta information, or, if it is not present, kick down to the Store module for the same information.

Returns ( $revDate, $author, $rev, $comment )

$rev is an integer revision number.

ObjectMethod merge ($otherMeta,$formDef)

  • $otherMeta - a block of meta-data to merge with $this
  • $formDef reference to a TWiki::Form that gives the types of the fields in $this

Merge the data in the other meta block.

  • File attachments that only appear in one set are preserved.
  • Form fields that only appear in one set are preserved.
  • Form field values that are different in each set are text-merged
  • We don't merge for field attributes or title
  • Topic info is not touched
  • The mergeable method on the form def is used to determine if that fields is mergeable. if it isn't, the value currently in meta will not be changed.

ObjectMethod stringify ($types) -> $string

 Return a string version of the meta object. Uses \n to separate lines. If $types is specified, return only types specified by that RE.

ObjectMethod *forEachSelectedValue ($types,$keys,\&fn,\%options)

 Iterate over the values selected by the regular expressions in $types and $keys.
  • $types - regular expression matching the names of fields to be processed. Will default to qr/^[A-Z]+$/ if undef.
  • $keys - regular expression matching the names of keys to be processed. Will default to qr/^[a-z]+$/ if undef.

Iterates over each value, calling \&fn on each, and replacing the value with the result of \&fn.

\%options will be passed on to $fn, with the following additions:

  • _type => the type name (e.g. "FILEATTACHMENT")
  • _key => the key name (e.g. "user")

ObjectMethod getParent () -> $parent

 Gets the TOPICPARENT name.

ObjectMethod getFormName () -> $formname

Returns the name of the FORM, or '' if none.

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiMetaDotPm (2 - 2006-04-01 - TWikiContributor)

Package =TWiki::Meta

Meta-data handling.

A meta-data object is a hash of different types of meta-data (keyed on the type, such as 'FIELD' and 'TOPICINFO').

Each entry in the hash is an array, where each entry in the array contains another hash of the key=value pairs, corresponding to a single meta-datum.

If there may be multiple entries of the same top-level type (i.e. for FIELD and FILEATTACHMENT) then the array hash multiple entries. These types are referred to as "keyed" types. The array entries are keyed with the attribute 'name' which must be in each entry in the array.

For unkeyed types, the array has only one entry.

The module knows nothing about how meta-data is stored. That is entirely the responsibility of the Store module.

Meta-data objects are created by the Store engine when topics are read. They are populated using the put method.

ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$topic)

Construct a new, empty Meta collection.

ClassMethod web ()

Get the web name

ClassMethod topic ()

Get the topic name

ObjectMethod put ($type,\%args)

Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta.

See the main comment for this package to understand how meta-data is represented.

ObjectMethod putKeyed ($type,\%args)

Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta. The entries are keyed by 'name'.

See the main comment for this package to understand how meta-data is represented.

ObjectMethod *putAll

Replaces all the items of a given key with a new array This is the logical inverse of the find method

ObjectMethod get ($type,$key) -> \%hash

Find the value of a meta-datum in the map. If the type is keyed, the $key parameter is required to say which entry you want. Otherwise it can be undef.

WARNING SMELL If key is undef but the type is keyed you get the FIRST entry If you want all the keys of a given type use the 'find' method.

The result is a reference to the hash for the item.

@v"> ObjectMethod find ($type) -> @values

Get all meta data for a specific type Returns the array stored for the type. This will be zero length if there are no entries.

StaticMethod *indexByKey

See tests/unit/MetaTests.pm for an example

The result is a hash the same as the array provided by find but keyed by the keyName. NB. results are indeterminate if the key you choose is not unique in the find.

Flattens a keyed hash structure, taking only the values. Returns a hash.

See tests/unit/MetaTests.pm for an example

ObjectMethod remove ($type,$key)

With no type, will remove all the contents of the object.

With a $type but no $key, will remove all items of that type (so for example if $type were FILEATTACHMENT it would remove all of them)

With a $type and a $key it will remove only the specific item.

ObjectMethod copyFrom ($otherMeta,$type,$nameFilter)

Copy all entries of a type from another meta data set. This will destroy the old values for that type, unless the copied object doesn't contain entries for that type, in which case it will retain the old values.

If $type is undef, will copy ALL TYPES.

If $nameFilter is defined (an RE), it will copy only data where {name} matches $nameFilter.

SMELL: That spec absolutely STINKS !! SMELL: this is a shallow copy

ObjectMethod count ($type) -> $integer

Return the number of entries of the given type that are in this meta set


ObjectMethod addTOPICINFO ($rev,$time,$user)

  • $rev - the revision number
  • $time - the time stamp
  • $user - the user object

Add TOPICINFO type data to the object, as specified by the parameters.


ObjectMethod *getRevisionInfo ($fromrev) -> ($date,$author,$rev,$comment)

Try and get revision info from the meta information, or, if it is not present, kick down to the Store module for the same information.

Returns ( $revDate, $author, $rev, $comment )

$rev is an integer revision number.

ObjectMethod merge ($otherMeta,$formDef)

  • $otherMeta - a block of meta-data to merge with $this
  • $formDef reference to a TWiki::Form that gives the types of the fields in $this

Merge the data in the other meta block.

  • File attachments that only appear in one set are preserved.
  • Form fields that only appear in one set are preserved.
  • Form field values that are different in each set are text-merged
  • We don't merge for field attributes or title
  • Topic info is not touched
  • The mergeable method on the form def is used to determine if that fields is mergeable. if it isn't, the value currently in meta will not be changed.

ObjectMethod stringify ($types) -> $string

Return a string version of the meta object. Uses \n to separate lines. If $types is specified, return only types specified by that RE.

ObjectMethod *forEachSelectedValue ($types,$keys,\&fn,\%options)

Iterate over the values selected by the regular expressions in $types and $keys.
  • $types - regular expression matching the names of fields to be processed. Will default to qr/^[A-Z]+$/ if undef.
  • $keys - regular expression matching the names of keys to be processed. Will default to qr/^[a-z]+$/ if undef.

Iterates over each value, calling \&fn on each, and replacing the value with the result of \&fn.

\%options will be passed on to $fn, with the following additions:

  • _type => the type name (e.g. "FILEATTACHMENT")
  • _key => the key name (e.g. "user")

ObjectMethod getParent () -> $parent

Gets the TOPICPARENT name.

ObjectMethod getFormName () -> $formname

Returns the name of the FORM, or '' if none.

 <<O>>  Difference Topic TWikiMetaDotPm (1 - 2006-02-01 - TWikiContributor)

Package =TWiki::Meta

Meta-data handling.

A meta-data object is a hash of different types of meta-data (keyed on the type, such as 'FIELD' and 'TOPICINFO').

Each entry in the hash is an array, where each entry in the array contains another hash of the key=value pairs, corresponding to a single meta-datum.

If there may be multiple entries of the same top-level type (i.e. for FIELD and FILEATTACHMENT) then the array hash multiple entries. These types are referred to as "keyed" types. The array entries are keyed with the attribute 'name' which must be in each entry in the array.

For unkeyed types, the array has only one entry.

The module knows nothing about how meta-data is stored. That is entirely the responsibility of the Store module.

Meta-data objects are created by the Store engine when topics are read. They are populated using the put method.

ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$topic)

Construct a new, empty Meta collection.

ClassMethod web ()

Get the web name

ClassMethod topic ()

Get the topic name

ObjectMethod put ($type,\%args)

Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta.

See the main comment for this package to understand how meta-data is represented.

ObjectMethod putKeyed ($type,\%args)

Put a hash of key=value pairs into the given type set in this meta. The entries are keyed by 'name'.

See the main comment for this package to understand how meta-data is represented.

ObjectMethod *putAll

Replaces all the items of a given key with a new array This is the logical inverse of the find method

ObjectMethod get ($type,$key) -> \%hash

Find the value of a meta-datum in the map. If the type is keyed, the $key parameter is required to say which entry you want. Otherwise it can be undef.

WARNING SMELL If key is undef but the type is keyed you get the FIRST entry If you want all the keys of a given type use the 'find' method.

The result is a reference to the hash for the item.

@v"> ObjectMethod find ($type) -> @values

Get all meta data for a specific type Returns the array stored for the type. This will be zero length if there are no entries.

StaticMethod *indexByKey

See tests/unit/MetaTests.pm for an example

The result is a hash the same as the array provided by find but keyed by the keyName. NB. results are indeterminate if the key you choose is not unique in the find.

Flattens a keyed hash structure, taking only the values. Returns a hash.

See tests/unit/MetaTests.pm for an example

ObjectMethod remove ($type,$key)

With no type, will remove all the contents of the object.

With a $type but no $key, will remove all items of that type (so for example if $type were FILEATTACHMENT it would remove all of them)

With a $type and a $key it will remove only the specific item.

ObjectMethod copyFrom ($otherMeta,$type,$nameFilter)

Copy all entries of a type from another meta data set. This will destroy the old values for that type, unless the copied object doesn't contain entries for that type, in which case it will retain the old values.

If $type is undef, will copy ALL TYPES.

If $nameFilter is defined (an RE), it will copy only data where {name} matches $nameFilter.

SMELL: That spec absolutely STINKS !! SMELL: this is a shallow copy

ObjectMethod count ($type) -> $integer

Return the number of entries of the given type that are in this meta set

ObjectMethod addTOPICINFO ($rev,$time,$user)

  • $rev - the revision number
  • $time - the time stamp
  • $user - the user object

Add TOPICINFO type data to the object, as specified by the parameters.

ObjectMethod *getRevisionInfo ($fromrev) -> ($date,$author,$rev,$comment)

Try and get revision info from the meta information, or, if it is not present, kick down to the Store module for the same information.

Returns ( $revDate, $author, $rev, $comment )

$rev is an integer revision number.

ObjectMethod merge ($otherMeta,$formDef)

  • $otherMeta - a block of meta-data to merge with $this
  • $formDef reference to a TWiki::Form that gives the types of the fields in $this

Merge the data in the other meta block.

  • File attachments that only appear in one set are preserved.
  • Form fields that only appear in one set are preserved.
  • Form field values that are different in each set are text-merged
  • We don't merge for field attributes or title
  • Topic info is not touched
  • The mergeable method on the form def is used to determine if that fields is mergeable. if it isn't, the value currently in meta will not be changed.

ObjectMethod stringify ($types) -> $string

Return a string version of the meta object. Uses \n to separate lines. If $types is specified, return only types specified by that RE.

ObjectMethod *forEachSelectedValue ($types,$keys,\&fn,\%options)

Iterate over the values selected by the regular expressions in $types and $keys.
  • $types - regular expression matching the names of fields to be processed. Will default to qr/^[A-Z]+$/ if undef.
  • $keys - regular expression matching the names of keys to be processed. Will default to qr/^[a-z]+$/ if undef.

Iterates over each value, calling \&fn on each, and replacing the value with the result of \&fn.

\%options will be passed on to $fn, with the following additions:

  • _type => the type name (e.g. "FILEATTACHMENT")
  • _key => the key name (e.g. "user")

ObjectMethod getParent () -> $parent

Gets the TOPICPARENT name.

ObjectMethod getFormName () -> $formname

Returns the name of the FORM, or '' if none.

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