name="TWikiVariables" |
EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" form=""} -- render an input field specified in a form template topic
- Use this to create HTML forms that update TWikiForms, such as a custom "create new topic" form, or a topic header that allows users to change some form values at the top of the page. A valid form is composed of a start form type, various form fields, a submit type, and an end form type.
- Syntax:
%EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" form="...Form"}% - create form field defined in a TWiki Form template
%EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" topic="..."}% - create form field based on a topic that has a TWiki Form & initialize its value
%EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" type="..."}% - create an HTML input field
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: | Description: | Default: | "fieldname" | The name of a TWiki form field or HTML form field. | Required | form="..." | Name of form template topic, such as "BugForm" . Specify topic name or Web.TopicName | Either form or topic is required unless type is specified | topic="..." | Name of topic containing form, such as "Bug1234" . Specify topic name or Web.TopicName | format="..." | Format string. Supported variables: • $inputfield - rendered form input field. • $title - raw field name (includes space and other special characters). • $name - field name (sanitized title). • $size - size of field or selector. • $value - initial value, or select options. • $tooltip - tooltip message. • $attributes - type attributes, such as H for hidden, M for mandatory. • $extra - extra information, such as * for mandatory field. See details in TWikiForms#FormFieldTypes. This parameter is ignored if type="..." is specified. | "$inputfield" | value="..." | Initial value of input field. If omitted and if topic="..." is specified, the value is taken from the named form field. | "" | type="start" | Special case: Start an HTML form. Parameters: "form" type="start" action="save" topic="..." method="" onsubmit="" onreset="" • action : Specify a TWiki script (view , edit , save , ...), or a full action URL, default "view" . • topic : Specify topic name or Web.TopicName , default current topic; ignored if full action URL is provided. • method : HTML form action method, default "post" for save action, else "get" . • onsubmit : Execute JavaScript when the form is submitted, optional. • onreset : Execute JavaScript when the reset button is clicked, optional. | "" | type="end" | Special case: End an HTML form. Parameters: "form" type="end" | "" |
< < |
type="..." |
Special case: Create an input field regardless of the type defined in the TWikiForm. Used mainly for hidden fields and submit button. The nameless parameter is the field name. Supported types: • "fieldname" type="hidden" value="..." - hidden input field. • "fieldname" type="submit" value="..." - submit button, value is button label. • "fieldname" type="button" value="..." onclick="..." - regular button, value is button label. • "fieldname" type="text" value="..." size="80" - text input field. • "fieldname" type="checkbox" value="..." text="..." - checkbox, text is display text. • "fieldname" type="radio" value="..." text="..." - radio button, text is display text. • In addition, any valid XHML and HTML5 input type is supported, such as type="date" , type="file" , type="image" . Additional type-specific parameters can be supplied, such as alt="" , checked="checked" , class="" , max="" , min="" , src="" , style="" , width="" . Consult HTML documentation. |
"" |
> > |
type="..." |
Special case: Create an input field regardless of the type defined in the TWikiForm. Used mainly for hidden fields and submit button. The nameless parameter is the field name. Supported types: • "fieldname" type="hidden" value="..." - hidden input field. • "fieldname" type="submit" value="..." - submit button, value is button label. • "fieldname" type="button" value="..." onclick="..." - regular button, value is button label. • "fieldname" type="text" value="..." size="80" - text input field. • "fieldname" type="textarea" value="..." size="80x6" - multi line text area field, size denotes columns x rows. • "fieldname" type="checkbox" value="..." text="..." - checkbox, text is display text. • "fieldname" type="radio" value="..." text="..." - radio button, text is display text. • In addition, any valid XHML and HTML5 input type is supported, such as type="date" , type="file" , type="image" . Additional type-specific parameters can be supplied, such as alt="..." , checked="checked" , class="..." , max="..." , min="..." , placeholder="..." , src="..." , style="..." , width="..." . Consult HTML documentation. |
"" |
- Example:
%EDITFORMFIELD{ "ReleaseType" form="PackageForm" value="Beta-1" }%
- Example: Custom form in an included header to update some values of the base topic
%EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="start" action="save" topic="%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" method="post" }% | Priority: | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Priority" topic="%BASETOPIC%" }% | | Status: | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Status" topic="%BASETOPIC%" }% | | | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="submit" value="Update" }% | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Updated" type="hidden" value="%SERVERTIME{$year-$mo-$day}%" }% %EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="end" }%
- Category: DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DevelopmentVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables
< < | |
> > |
- Related: EDITFORM, EDITTABLE, FORM, FORMFIELD, METASEARCH, SEARCH, TWikiForms, FormattedSearch, QuerySearch, SearchHelp, TWikiScripts, TWikiTemplates
| |
name="TWikiVariables" |
EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" form=""} -- render an input field specified in a form template topic
- Use this to create HTML forms that update TWikiForms, such as a custom "create new topic" form, or a topic header that allows users to change some form values at the top of the page. A valid form is composed of a start form type, various form fields, a submit type, and an end form type.
- Syntax:
%EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" form="...Form"}% - create form field defined in a TWiki Form template
%EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" topic="..."}% - create form field based on a topic that has a TWiki Form & initialize its value
%EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" type="..."}% - create an HTML input field
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: | Description: | Default: | "fieldname" | The name of a TWiki form field or HTML form field. | Required | form="..." | Name of form template topic, such as "BugForm" . Specify topic name or Web.TopicName | Either form or topic is required unless type is specified | topic="..." | Name of topic containing form, such as "Bug1234" . Specify topic name or Web.TopicName | format="..." | Format string. Supported variables: • $inputfield - rendered form input field. • $title - raw field name (includes space and other special characters). • $name - field name (sanitized title). • $size - size of field or selector. • $value - initial value, or select options. • $tooltip - tooltip message. • $attributes - type attributes, such as H for hidden, M for mandatory. • $extra - extra information, such as * for mandatory field. See details in TWikiForms#FormFieldTypes. This parameter is ignored if type="..." is specified. | "$inputfield" | value="..." | Initial value of input field. If omitted and if topic="..." is specified, the value is taken from the named form field. | "" |
< < |
type="start" |
Special case: Start an HTML form. Parameters: "form" type="start" action="save" topic="..." method="" • action : Specify a TWiki script (view , edit , save , ...), or a full action URL, default "view" . • topic : Specify topic name or Web.TopicName , default current topic; ignored if full action URL is provided. • method : HTML form action method, default "post" for save action, else "get" . |
"" |
> > |
type="start" |
Special case: Start an HTML form. Parameters: "form" type="start" action="save" topic="..." method="" onsubmit="" onreset="" • action : Specify a TWiki script (view , edit , save , ...), or a full action URL, default "view" . • topic : Specify topic name or Web.TopicName , default current topic; ignored if full action URL is provided. • method : HTML form action method, default "post" for save action, else "get" . • onsubmit : Execute JavaScript when the form is submitted, optional. • onreset : Execute JavaScript when the reset button is clicked, optional. |
"" |
type="end" |
Special case: End an HTML form. Parameters: "form" type="end" |
"" |
type="..." |
Special case: Create an input field regardless of the type defined in the TWikiForm. Used mainly for hidden fields and submit button. The nameless parameter is the field name. Supported types: • "fieldname" type="hidden" value="..." - hidden input field. • "fieldname" type="submit" value="..." - submit button, value is button label. • "fieldname" type="button" value="..." onclick="..." - regular button, value is button label. • "fieldname" type="text" value="..." size="80" - text input field. • "fieldname" type="checkbox" value="..." text="..." - checkbox, text is display text. • "fieldname" type="radio" value="..." text="..." - radio button, text is display text. • In addition, any valid XHML and HTML5 input type is supported, such as type="date" , type="file" , type="image" . Additional type-specific parameters can be supplied, such as alt="" , checked="checked" , class="" , max="" , min="" , src="" , style="" , width="" . Consult HTML documentation. |
"" |
- Example:
%EDITFORMFIELD{ "ReleaseType" form="PackageForm" value="Beta-1" }%
- Example: Custom form in an included header to update some values of the base topic
%EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="start" action="save" topic="%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" method="post" }% | Priority: | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Priority" topic="%BASETOPIC%" }% | | Status: | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Status" topic="%BASETOPIC%" }% | | | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="submit" value="Update" }% | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Updated" type="hidden" value="%SERVERTIME{$year-$mo-$day}%" }% %EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="end" }%
- Category: DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DevelopmentVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables
< < | |
> > | |
| |
name="TWikiVariables" |
EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" form=""} -- render an input field specified in a form template topic
- Use this to create HTML forms that update TWikiForms, such as a custom "create new topic" form, or a topic header that allows users to change some form values at the top of the page. A valid form is composed of a start form type, various form fields, a submit type, and an end form type.
- Syntax:
%EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" form="...Form"}% - create form field defined in a TWiki Form template
%EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" topic="..."}% - create form field based on a topic that has a TWiki Form & initialize its value
%EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" type="..."}% - create an HTML input field
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: | Description: | Default: | "fieldname" | The name of a TWiki form field or HTML form field. | Required | form="..." | Name of form template topic, such as "BugForm" . Specify topic name or Web.TopicName | Either form or topic is required unless type is specified | topic="..." | Name of topic containing form, such as "Bug1234" . Specify topic name or Web.TopicName | format="..." | Format string. Supported variables: • $inputfield - rendered form input field. • $title - raw field name (includes space and other special characters). • $name - field name (sanitized title). • $size - size of field or selector. • $value - initial value, or select options. • $tooltip - tooltip message. • $attributes - type attributes, such as H for hidden, M for mandatory. • $extra - extra information, such as * for mandatory field. See details in TWikiForms#FormFieldTypes. This parameter is ignored if type="..." is specified. | "$inputfield" | value="..." | Initial value of input field. If omitted and if topic="..." is specified, the value is taken from the named form field. | "" | type="start" | Special case: Start an HTML form. Parameters: "form" type="start" action="save" topic="..." method="" • action : Specify a TWiki script (view , edit , save , ...), or a full action URL, default "view" . • topic : Specify topic name or Web.TopicName , default current topic; ignored if full action URL is provided. • method : HTML form action method, default "post" for save action, else "get" . | "" | type="end" | Special case: End an HTML form. Parameters: "form" type="end" | "" | type="..." | Special case: Create an input field regardless of the type defined in the TWikiForm. Used mainly for hidden fields and submit button. The nameless parameter is the field name. Supported types: • "fieldname" type="hidden" value="..." - hidden input field. • "fieldname" type="submit" value="..." - submit button, value is button label. • "fieldname" type="button" value="..." onclick="..." - regular button, value is button label. • "fieldname" type="text" value="..." size="80" - text input field. • "fieldname" type="checkbox" value="..." text="..." - checkbox, text is display text. • "fieldname" type="radio" value="..." text="..." - radio button, text is display text. • In addition, any valid XHML and HTML5 input type is supported, such as type="date" , type="file" , type="image" . Additional type-specific parameters can be supplied, such as alt="" , checked="checked" , class="" , max="" , min="" , src="" , style="" , width="" . Consult HTML documentation. | "" |
- Example:
%EDITFORMFIELD{ "ReleaseType" form="PackageForm" value="Beta-1" }%
- Example: Custom form in an included header to update some values of the base topic
%EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="start" action="save" topic="%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" method="post" }% | Priority: | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Priority" topic="%BASETOPIC%" }% | | Status: | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Status" topic="%BASETOPIC%" }% | | | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="submit" value="Update" }% | %EDITFORMFIELD{ "Updated" type="hidden" value="%SERVERTIME{$year-$mo-$day}%" }% %EDITFORMFIELD{ "form" type="end" }%
- Category: DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DevelopmentVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables
- Related: EDITTABLE, FORMFIELD, METASEARCH, SEARCH, FormattedSearch, QuerySearch, SearchHelp, TWikiForms, TWikiScripts

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