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 <<O>>  Difference Topic VarMDREPO (1 - 2013-04-05 - TWikiContributor)
META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

MDREPO -- retrieve data from metadata repository

  • Attention: This variable works only if MetadataRepository is in use. Otherwise, it always returns a zero length string.
  • This retrieves data from the specified metadata repository table.
  • Syntax: %MDREPO{ "table" ...}% (generic form), %MDREPO{ web="..." ...}% (web specific form)
  • Parameters (generic form without web="..." parameter):
    Parameter Description Default
    "..." Specify the table to retrieve This or below is required
    table="..." (Alternative to above) This or above is required
    separator="..." The separator string of records "$n" (new line)
    format="..." Format of one record. It may contain the following items. In addtion, the standard special tokens are handled accordingly.
    Item Description
    $_ or $_() the record ID
    $__ or $__() The record value in the following format:
    $marker or $marker() Expands to marker for the item matching selection only
    $_FILED_NAME or $_FIELD_NAME() Please be noted that you need to put _ (underscore) in front of a field name. $_FIELD_NAME$ yields the value of the specified field. If the specified field does not exist in the record, it returns the null string ("").
    ?FIELD_NAME?IF_FIELD_HAS_VALUE? If the specified field has value and it's neither 0 nor the null string (""), it's evaluated as IF_FIELD_HAS_VALUE. Otherwise, it's evaluated as the null string. This is like q/.../ in Perl. A non-word character following ?FIELD_NAME becomes the terminator; i.e. you can write: ?FIELD_NAME:IF_TRUE:
    Specifically, the following characters can be used as the delimiter: ! # % ' / : ? @ ^ ` | ~
    = is excluded because it clashes with a parameter specification in a URL (?name=value).
    ?!FIELD_NAME?IF_FIELD_HAS_NO_VALUE? Similar to above but it's opposite. If the field has value, it's evaluated as the null string. Otherwise, it's evaluated as IF_FIELD_HAS_NO_VALUE.
    $question Replaced with ? after the ?FIEL_DNAME and ?!FIELD_ANME constructs are processed.
    "| $_ | $__ |"
    selection="..." The record ID to be regarded as the selected. It affects how $marker in the format is evaluated. none
    marker="..." Text for $marker in the format if the item matches selection "selected"
    filter="..." The regular expression of record IDs to filter records. Matching is case-insensitive none
    exclude="..." Comma separated list of record IDs to be excluded. You can use regular expression. If you specify Trash\d*, then Trash, Trash1, Trash2, ... are exluded but LightTrash and TrashBag are not excluded none
  • Example: %MDREPO{"webs" filter="^A" format="| $_ | $_admin | $_master |"}%
    This would show the metadata of webs whose names start with A.
  • Paramerers (web specific form):
    Parameter Description Default
    <-- -->
    Sorted ascending
    default="..." Specify the value to be returned when the specified or implied top level web does not exist in MDREPO "" (null string)
    "..." Specify the format of the return value in the same manner as the format parameter in the generic form $__
    web="..." Specify the web. If it's a subweb, the corresponding top level web is specified This is required
  • Example: %MDREPO{web="Foo/Bar" "$_admin"}%
    This would show the admin field of the Foo web.
  • Category: AdministrationVariables, SystemInformationVariables
  • Related: MetadataRepository

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Revision r1 - 2013-04-05 - 08:04:52 - TWikiContributor Edit

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