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The subjunctive is the most common of the oblique moods in the N.T. In general, the subjunctive can be said to represent the verbal action (or state) as uncertain but probable. It is not correct to call this the mood of uncertainty because the optative also presents the verb as uncertain. Rather, it is better to call it the mood of probability so as to distinguish it from the optative. Still, this is an overly simplistic definition in light of its usage in the NT.

[Wallace breaks the discussion down into the use of the subjunctive in independent (categories 1-4) and dependent (categories 5-10) clauses.]

  1. Hortatory (Volitive) Subjunctive [let us]
    The subjunctive is commonly used to exhort or command oneself and one's associates. This use of the subjunctive is used "to urge some one to unite with the speaker in a course of action upon which he has alrady decided" (Chamberlain, 83). Since there is no first person imperative, the hortatory subjunctive is used to do roughly the same task. Thus this use ofl the subjunctive is an exhortation in the first person plural. The typical translation, rather than we should ..., is let us ...
    • Mark 4:35 And he said to them, ... " Let us go to the other side."
  2. Deliberative (Dubitative) Subjunctive
    The deliberative subjunctive asks either a real or rhetorical question. The semantics of the two are often quite different. Both imply some doubt about the response, but the real question is usually in the cognitive area (such as "How can we ...?" in which the inquiry is about the means), while the rhetorical question is volitive (e.g., "Should we ...?" in which the question has to do with moral obligation). Both are fairly common with first person verbs, though second and third person verbs can be found. The future indicative is also used in deliberate questions, though the subjunctive is more common.
    • Matt 6:31 Do not be anxious, saying, "What should we eat?" or "What should we drink?" or "What should we wear?"
    • Mark 8:37 What can a person give in exchange for his life?
  3. Emphatic Negation Subjunctive
    Emphatic negation is indicated by ou me plus the aorist subjunctive or, less frequently, ou me plus the future indicative. This is the strongest was to negate something in Greek. One might think that the negative with the subjunctive could not be as strong, as the neative with the indicative. However, while ou + the indicative denies a certainty, ou me + the subjunctive denies a potentiality. ou me rules out even the idea as being a possibility.
    • Matt 24:35 My words will not at all pass away.
    • John 10:28 I give them eternal life, and they will not at all perish.
  4. Prohibitive Subjunctive
    This is the use of the subjunctive is a prohibition - that is, a negative command. It is used to forbid the occurrence of an action. The structure is usually me + aorist subjunctive, typicaly in the second person. Its force is equivalent to an imperative after me; hence, it should be translated Do not rather than You should not.
    • Matt 1:20 Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.
  5. Subjunctive in Conditional Sentences
    This is the use of the subjunctive in the protasis of conditional sentences. The conditional element is made explicit by the particle ean. Both the particle and the subjunctive give the condition a sense of contingency.
    • Matt 4:9 I will give you all these things, if you will fall down and worship me.
    • Mark 5:28 She was saying [to hersef], "If only I touch his garments, I will be healed."
  6. Ina + the Subjunctive
    The single most common category of the subjunctive in the NT is after ina, comprising about one third of all subjunctive instances. There are seven basic uses in this construction: Purpose, result, purpose-result, substantival, complementary, and command.
    1. Purpose
      Matt 12:10 They questioned him, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?" in order that they might accuse him.
    2. Result
      John 9:2 Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, with the result that he should be born blind?
    3. Substantival
      Matt 18:6 [that a millstone should be tied around his neck] is better for him
    4. Epexegetical
      Luke 7:6 I am not worthy [that you should enter under my roof].
    5. Complementary
      Matt 26:4 They counseled together [ to arrest ] Jesus in a sly way and to kill (him)].
  7. Subjuctive with Verbs of Fearing, Etc.
    Me plus the subjunctive can be used after verbs of fearing, warning, watching out for, etc. Not unusual in the better writers (Paul, Luke, Hebrews), this construction serves as a warning or suggests caution or anxiety.
    • Luke 21:8 Watch out that you are not decieved.
    • 1Cor 8:9 Take care lest somehow this liberty of yours should become a stumbling block to the weak.
  8. Subjunctive in Indirect Questions
    The subjunctive is sometimes used in indirect questions. In such a usage, it follows the main verb, but appears awkward, even unconnected, in the sentence structure. Because of this, the subjunctive (and its accompanying interrogative particle) needs to be smoothed out in translation.
    • Matt 15:32 They have already been with me for three days and they do not have anything to eat.
    • Luke 9:58 The Son of Man has no place where he could lay his head.
  9. Subjunctive in Indefinite Relative Clause
    The subjunctive is frequently used after ostis (av/ean) or os (d) an. The construction normally indicates a generic (or sometimes an uncertain) subject; hence, the particle of contingency and the need for a subjunctive. The construction is roughly the equivalent of a third class or fifth class condition. The difference is that in indefinite relative clauses the element of contingency is not that of time but of person. Hence, the subjunctive is often translated like an indicative, since the potential element belongs to the subject rather than the verb.
    • Mark 3:29 Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness.
    • John 4:14 Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst again
  10. Subjunctive in Indefinite Temporal Clause
    The subjunctive is frequently used after a temporal adverb (or improper preposition) meaning until. It indicates a future contingency from the perspective of the time of the main verb.
    • Matt 5:26 You will not all leave from there until you have paid back the last cent.
    • John 13:38 The cock will not at all crow until you have denied me three times.

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