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META TOPICPARENT name="GreekGrammarVerbsTense"
With reference to aspect, the future seems to offer an external portrayal, something of a temporal counterpart to the aorist indicative. The external portrayal "presents an occurrence in summary, viewed as a whole from outside, without regard for the internal make-up of the occurrence." (Fanning, 97). With reference to time, the future tense is always future from the speaker's presentation (or, when in a participle formm, in relation to the time of the main verb).

1. Predictive Future
The future tense will often indicate that something will take place or come to pass.

  • Acts 1:11 This Jesus ... will come.

2. Imperatival Future
The future indicative is sometimes used for a command, almost always in the OT quotations (because of a literal translation of the Hebrew). However, it was used, even in classical Greek, though sparingly.

  • Matt 22:37 You shall love the Lord your God.

3. Deliberative Future
The deliberative future asks a question that implies some doubt about the response. The question, asked in the first person singular or plural, is generally either cognitive or volitive. Cognitive questions ask, "How will we?" while volitional questions ask, "Should we?" Thus, the force of such questions is one of "oughtness" - that is, possibility, desirability, or necessity.

  • Rom 6:2 How then shall we still live in it?

4. Gnomic Future
The future is very rarely used to indicate the likelihood that a generic even will take place. The idea is not that a particular event is in view, but that such events are true to life.

  • Rom 5:7 Scarcely for a righteous man will one die.

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