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This page contains various items that I consider important in my walk with Jesus Christ. I am a very new Christian. How I became a Christian is detailed in my testimony. I also share some of my favorite links to other good Christian web pages. This site is under construction so you may want to check back to see if there are any changes.

  1. My Christian Testimony - My testimony on HOW I became a Christian (see below for why)
  2. Why did I become a Christian?
  3. Interesting Christian Links- various Christian web pages.
  4. Accountability Covenant last updated December 18, 2000
  5. Colorado Springs Gazette article
    This is a copy of an article that was done by the local newspaper (The Gazette) on the company I used to work for.
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Revision r4 - 2005-01-07 - 14:45:12 - TaitCyrus Edit

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