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 <<O>>  Difference Topic TaitProfessional (10 - 2008-03-18 - TaitCyrus)
I am a computer engineer with 42 years experience with proven abilities in a broad range of skills ranging from software design to hardware design, web design, configuration management, system administration, testing, networking and security. A quick learner, a team player as well as a self starter, the ability to coach others, strong follow-through, advanced problem solving abilities, vision to anticipate problems and needs in both the short term and long term, and the ability to use new technologies.
A resume html is available.
A resume in html format is available.
  A summary of my experience is in the following table.

2004 present Sabbatical Waiting to see what the Lord wants me to do with the rest of my life. Also helped out with some TWiki plugin updates and other odd web based projects for friends and associates
2004 present Independent Contractor Helped out with some TWiki plugin updates and other odd web based projects for friends and associates
2006 2007 Global Mapping International PHP scripts to manage a mapping sub-system displaying demographic data integrated into e107 and Zen-Cart
2002 2004 Agilent Perl scripts to help manage the monitoring of almost 100 Windows machines (Perl, cvs)
1998 2002 Mindport, Inc Software build management (Makefiles, cron, lots of Perl)

UNIX security tools (C, Perl, shell, Unix admin)
1998 1998 MCI CMIP network applications (C, Perl, shell, Unix admin)
1997 1997 Ten Queue Taught 4 and 5 day Unix admin and Perl class
1993 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. System admin tools (C, C++, Perl, shell, Unix admin)
1990 1993 Convex Computer Corporation Test tools for a real time kernel (C, Perl, shell, Unix admin)
1982 1990 The University of New Mexico Disigned both the hardware and software for 3 computers
Real time data acquisition tools (Fortran)

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1020370686" name="resume_functional.pdf" path="resume_functional.pdf" size="9078" user="UnknownUser" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1020371862" name="resume_functional.doc" path="resume_functional.doc" size="15360" user="UnknownUser" version=""

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Revision r11 - 2013-05-27 - 18:08:17 - TaitCyrus Edit

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