Home | Gifts |
section starts a dashboard. It is the container of banners and boxes. A dashboard needs to be closed with a "dashboard_end"
section. Parameter:
Parameter | Description | Default |
width="" |
Width of dashboard in pixels, should match banner width, optional | "1024" |
section defines a banner with an image. All content is specified by parameters, e.g. there is no start and end banner section. Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default |
image="" |
Banner image URL, optional. Attach your own image, default 1024x150 pixels, or use one of the TWikiDashboardImages. Example:"%ATTACHURL%/myteam.jpg" |
URL of marin-headlands.jpg image |
title="" |
Banner title, optional. If you specify a TWiki link make sure to use Web.TopicName, not just TopicName. | (no title) |
text="" |
Banner text below title, optional | (no text) |
width="" |
Banner width in pixels, optional. Note: It should match the dashboard width and banner image width |
"1024" |
height="" |
Banner height in pixels, optional | "150" |
button1="" button2="" ... button8="" |
Banner buttons, optional. Each button has elements separated by the pipe symbol ("|" ). A button can either link to another page, or popup a modal box. A popup is shown if the button has 3 or more elements. Popup button elements: Button label, box title, box content, box width in pixels (optional, default 600), box height in pixels (optional, default 400). Link button elements: Button label, link. A link can be a Web.TopicName or a URL. If you specify a TWiki link make sure to use Web.TopicName, not just TopicName. Example: |
(none) |
style="" |
CSS of banner box, optional | "border: none 0;" |
titlestyle="" |
CSS of banner title, optional. Example: To show white title text for dark banner image: titlestyle="color: white;" |
"margin: 10px 15px; padding: 0; font-size: 18pt; font-weight: 600; color: #333333;" |
textstyle="" |
CSS of banner text, optional | "margin: 35px 15px; padding: 0; color: #333333;" |
contentstyle="" |
CSS of button container | "bottom: 0; right: 0; margin: 0; padding: 10px 10px; color: #333333;" |
section starts a box. A box needs to be closed with a "box_end"
section. Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default![]() |
title="" |
Box title, optional. HTML can links can be used. If you specify a TWiki link make sure to use Web.TopicName, not just TopicName. | (no title) |
titlestyle="" |
CSS of title, optional | "text-align:center; font-size:19px; font-weight:bold; color: #333335; padding:0 0 12px 0; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;" |
contentstyle="" |
CSS of content | "overflow:auto;" |
style="" |
CSS of outer box, optional | "border: solid #d0d0d0 1px; padding: 15px;" |
width="" |
Width of box in pixels, optional. Note: This is the usable width of the box content, it does not include 32 pixel of box border and padding |
"300" |
height="" |
Box height in pixels, optional | "200" |
section ends a box. It has no additional parameters.
section ends a dashboard. It has no additional parameters.
%DASHBOARD{ section="dashboard_start" }% %DASHBOARD{ section="banner" image="%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TWikiDashboardImages/marin-headlands.jpg" title="Dashboard for %WIKIUSERNAME%" titlestyle="color:#800000;" button1="TWiki Help|%SYSTEMWEB%.WebHome" button2="TWiki Variables|%SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiVariables" button3="Popup Demo|Modal Popup Demo|This requires the TWiki:Plugins.ModalBoxAddOn|400" }% %DASHBOARD{ section="box_start" title="Box 1 title" }% Box 1 content %DASHBOARD{ section="box_end" }% %DASHBOARD{ section="box_start" title="Box 2 title" }% Box 2 content %DASHBOARD{ section="box_end" }% %DASHBOARD{ section="box_start" title="Box 3 title" }% Box 3 content %DASHBOARD{ section="box_end" }% %DASHBOARD{ section="box_start" title="Box 4 title" width="992" height="100" }% Box 4 content %DASHBOARD{ section="box_end" }% %DASHBOARD{ section="dashboard_end" }%As documented earlier, an alternate syntax for
%DASHBOARD{ section="..." ... }%
is %INCLUDE{ "TWikiDashboardAddOn" section="..." ... }%
This example generates the following dashboard:
in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: |
data/TWiki/TWikiDashboardAddOn.txt | Add-on topic |
data/TWiki/VarDASHBOARD.txt.txt | DASHBOARD variable documentation topic |
data/TWiki/TWikiDashboardImages.txt | Topic with dashboard banner images |
lib/TWiki/Contrib/TWikiDashboardAddOn.pm | Add-on Perl module |
pub/TWiki/TWikiDashboardAddOn/*.png | Screenshots of dashboards |
pub/TWiki/TWikiDashboardImages/*.png | Dashboard banner images |
* %SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiDashboardAddOn variable, documented in %SYSTEMWEB%.VarDASHBOARD: * Set DASHBOARD = %INCLUDE{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiDashboardAddOn" section="%section%" %IF{ "'%height{ default="" }%'!=''" then="height=\"%height%\"" }% %IF{ "'%width{ default="" }%'!=''" then="width=\"%width%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%image{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="image=\"%ENCODE{ "%image%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%title{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="title=\"%ENCODE{ "%title%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%text{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="text=\"%ENCODE{ "%text%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button1{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button1=\"%ENCODE{ "%button1%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button2{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button2=\"%ENCODE{ "%button2%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button3{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button3=\"%ENCODE{ "%button3%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button4{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button4=\"%ENCODE{ "%button4%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button5{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button5=\"%ENCODE{ "%button5%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button6{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button6=\"%ENCODE{ "%button6%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button7{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button7=\"%ENCODE{ "%button7%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button8{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button8=\"%ENCODE{ "%button8%" type="quote" }%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%style{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="style=\"%style%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%titlestyle{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="titlestyle=\"%titlestyle%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%textstyle{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="textstyle=\"%textstyle%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%contentstyle{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="contentstyle=\"%contentstyle%\"" }% }%
Add-on Author: | TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny![]() |
Copyright: | © 2012-2018, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny![]() ![]() © 2012-2018 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor ![]() |
License: | GPL (GNU General Public License![]() |
Add-on Version: | 2018-07-06 |
2018-07-06: | TWikibug:Item7841![]() |
2016-01-09: | TWikibug:Item7708![]() |
2014-04-11: | TWikibug:Item7371![]() |
2014-01-08: | TWikibug:Item7406![]() |
2013-08-15: | TWikibug:Item7154![]() |
2013-07-15: | TWikibug:Item7154![]() |
2013-04-06: | TWikibug:Item7154![]() |
2013-04-22: | TWikibug:Item7151![]() |
2013-04-06: | TWikibug:Item7154![]() |
2013-02-13: | TWikibug:Item7041![]() |
2013-02-04: | TWikibug:Item7041![]() |
2013-02-01: | TWikibug:Item7041![]() |
2013-01-31: | TWikibug:Item7091![]() |
2013-01-31: | TWikibug:Item7041![]() |
2013-01-06: | TWikibug:Item7041![]() |
2012-12-28: | TWikibug:Item7041![]() |
2012-12-04: | TWikibug:Item7041![]() |
2012-11-28: | TWikibug:Item7041![]() |
2012-11-11: | TWikibug:Item7020![]() |
2012-11-05: | TWikibug:Item7021![]() |
2012-10-13: | TWikibug:Item6972![]() |
2012-10-12: | TWikibug:Item6981![]() |
2012-10-06: | TWikibug:Item6954![]() |
TWiki Dependency: | $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.3 (TWiki-5.0) TWiki:Plugins.ScrollBoxAddOn ![]() TWiki:Plugins.SpreadSheetPlugin ![]() TWiki:Plugins.ModalBoxAddOn ![]() |
CPAN Dependencies: | none |
Other Dependencies: | none |
Perl Version: | 5.005 |
Add-on Home: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/TWikiDashboardAddOn![]() |
Feedback: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/TWikiDashboardAddOnDev![]() |
Appraisal: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/TWikiDashboardAddOnAppraisal![]() |
Revision r4 - 2018-07-06 - 07:55:27 - TWikiContributor | Edit |