| JQuery Plugin
Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin or provide feedback at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev .
If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
This plugin packages the popular jQuery and jQuery UI JavaScript libraries.
- jQuery
is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
- Packaged version: jquery-1.10.2
- jQuery UI
is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.
- Packaged version: jquery-ui-1.10.3
See the JQueryPluginExamples page for a demo of a couple of widgets used by TWiki.
Included libraries
- jquery - base jQuery library
, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery-ui - jQuery UI library
, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery-ui.js"}% or a %JQTHEME{"..."}% - content:
- UI Core:
- Core - the core of jQuery UI, required for all interactions and widgets
- Widget - the widget factory, base for all widgets
- Mouse - the mouse widget, a base class for all interactions and widgets with heavy mouse interaction
- Position - a utility plugin for positioning elements relative to other elements
- Interactions - adding basic behaviors to any element and are used by many components below
- Draggable - makes any element on the page draggable
- Droppable - generated drop targets for draggable elements
- Resizable - makes any element on the page resizable
- Selectable - makes a list of elements mouse selectable by dragging a box or clicking on them
- Sortable - makes a list of items sortable
- Widgets - full-featured UI Controls - each has a range of options and is fully themeable:
- Accordion - creates an accordion navigation widget
- Autocomplete - creates an autocomplete widget
- Button - creates an button widget
- Dialog - opens existing markup in a draggable and resizable dialog
- Slider - a flexible slider with ranges and accessibility via keyboard
- Tabs - transforms a set of container elements into a tab structure
- Datepicker - a datepicker than can be toggled from a input or displayed inline
- Progressbar - a status indicator that can be used for a loading state and standard percentage indicators
- Effects - a rich effect API and ready to use effects:
- Effects Core - extends the internal jQuery effects, includes morphing, easing and is required by all other effects
- Effect "Blind" - blinds the element
- Effect "Bounce" - bounces an element horizontally or vertically n-times
- Effect "Clip" - clips the element on and off like an old TV
- Effect "Drop" - a Drop out effect by moving the element in one direction and hiding it at the same time
- Effect "Explode" - the element explodes in all directions into n pieces. Also supports imploding again
- Effect "Fade" - fades the element
- Effect "Fold" - folds the element first horizontally and then vertically
- Effect "Highlight" - highlights the background of the element in a defined color for a custom duration
- Effect "Pulsate" - the element pulsates n times by changing the opacity to zero and back
- Effect "Scale" - grow or shrink any element and it's content and restore it again
- Effect "Shake" - shakes the element horizontally or vertically n times
- Effect "Slide" - the element slides in and out of the viewport
- Effect "Transfer" - transfer effect from one element to another
- jquery.bgiframe.js - fix z-index issue in IE 6, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.blockUI.js - simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.cookie.js - cookie managers, load with
- jquery.debug.js - debug, load with
- jquery.dom.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.easing.js - set custom easing types for standard animations, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.hoverIntent.js - delay onMouseOver, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.innerfade.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.metadata.js - extract metadata from classes, random attributes, child elements and HTML5 data-* attributes, load with
- jquery.nifty.js - rounded corners, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.shrinkurls.js - shrink URLs, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.spinner.js - spinners, load with
- jquery.superfish.css
- jquery.superfish.js - pulldown menues, load with
- jquery.tabpane.js - tapped panes, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.tooltip.js - tool tips, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.async.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.edit.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.sortable.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.twiki.js - TWiki specific code, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
JQuery Library Documentation
Syntax Rules
%JQSCRIPT{"jquery.js"}% - include the specified script. Keep in mind that the jquery.js script must be loaded before plug-ins scripts.
%JQTHEME{"mythemename"}% - include the specified theme. Better load the desired theme before any script.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH{"myimage.png"}% - expand to the specified image path.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH%/myimage.png - Same result as the above. Available images:
See jQuery Theme Roller for look & feel of available themes. The JQueryPlugin ships with the following themes that can be activated using %JQTHEME{...}% :
smoothness - recommended for TWiki
Known Issues
- jquery.treeview does not work in JQueryPlugin version 2013-08-23
Note to Plugin Maintainer
- See
Installation Instructions
This plugin is pre-installed. TWiki administrators can upgrade the plugin as needed on the TWiki server.
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
JQueryPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: | data/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples.txt | Example topic | data/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin.txt | Test topic | data/TWiki/JQueryPlugin.txt | Plugin documentation topic | data/TWiki/VarJQ*.txt | Variable documentation topics | lib/CPAN/lib/CSS/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/CPAN/lib/JavaScript/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin/Core.pm | Perl module | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/Makefile | Makefile | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.css | Main stylesheet file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js | Main Javascript file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js.gz | Main Javascript file, compressed | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.css | Stylesheet files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.js | Javascript files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.gif and .png | Image files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/i18n/*.js | Style sheets for internationalization | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/images/*.gif and *.png | Image library | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/themes/* | Themes | tools/minifycss | Utility | tools/minifyjs | Utility |
- Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
- Test Sandbox.JQueryPluginExamples for functionality.
Specifying where to insert JavaScript and CSS loadling lines
This plugin inserts lines to load JavaScript and CSS files into the rendered HTML.
By default, those lines are inserted at the beginning of the <head> tag content.
That's fine for the skins bundled with TWiki releases.
But you may want to specify where to insert those lines.
In that case:
- Put
<!-- JQueryPlugin placeholder --> at the place you want to have those lines
- Set
$TWiki::cfg{Plugins}{JQueryPlugin}{CheckPlaceholder} to "1" (or any other true value)
Plugin Info
< < |
> > |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
2015-09-11 |
> > |
Plugin Version: |
2018-07-05 |
| <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline--> |
> > |
2015-09-11: |
TWikibug:Item7686 : JQueryPlugin to be able to insert ~JavaScript and CSS loading lines at a specified place |
2015-01-10: |
TWikibug:Item7604 : Switch from GPL v2 to v3 |
2014-11-14: |
TWikibug:Item7588 : Option to load tab content asynchronously; select specific tab in jQuery tab pane; allow tab panes in bullet lists & TWiki table cells; allow HTML in tab title |
2014-09-03: |
TWikibug:Item7548 : The CSS margin definition of tab(JQTAB) headers need to take precedence. |
2014-08-26: |
TWikibug:Item7544 : JQTAB enhancement: Active tabs have gray gradient; slightly bigger container padding and inter-tab margin |
2014-08-17: |
TWikibug:Item7544 : JQTAB enhancements: Show blue link instead of red link on hover over tab; make css overridable; remove dotted underline below tab -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2013-09-28: |
TWikibug:Item6737 : Fix broken nested tabs -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2013-08-23: |
TWikibug:Item7317 : Update JQueryPlugin to jquery-1.10.2 and jquery-ui-1.10.3 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2013-01-28: |
TWikibug:Item7091 : Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history |
2012-11-13: |
TWikibug:Item7020 : Categorize TWiki Variable -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-07-08: |
TWikibug:Item6725 : Plugins: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "our" -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6675 : Possible to specify JQTHEME more than once per page, but only first one takes effect -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6653 : Update plugin to jquery-1.5.1 and jquery-ui-1.8.10 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2010-06-08: |
TWikibug:Item6486 - upgrade to latest jquery-1.4.2 release -- TWiki:Main/SopanShewale ; add variable documentation topics VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-25: |
TWikibug:Item6436 - renamed too generic variable names BUTTON, TOGGLE, CLEAR, TABPANE, ENDTABPANE, TAB, ENDTAB to JQBUTTON, JQTOGGLE, JQCLEAR, JQTABPANE, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQENDTAB, respectively. Old variables names available if configure setting is set: $TWiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Legacy2008} = 1; -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-22: |
TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, no code changes |
15 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.2; added async treeview; added async options to tabpane |
03 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.1 |
05 Jun 2008: |
updated to jquery-1.2.6 and ui-1.5-RC1 |
30 Apr 2008: |
repackaged to contain jquery UI |
13 Feb 2008: |
upgrade to jquery-1.2.3, as well as most plugins |
17 Jan 2008: |
added jquery.metadata plugin; implemented a jquery.tabpane plugin; updated jquery.dimensions plugin; added jquery.empty plugin to ease development of new plugins |
15 Nov 2007: |
use skin independent way to add javascript files to header |
10 Oct 2007: |
upgraded to jQuery-1.1.4; compressed js and css |
12 Jul 2007: |
initial package containing jQuery- |
Related topics: VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE, PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| JQuery Plugin
Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin or provide feedback at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev .
If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
--> |
< < | |
> > | |
> > | |
| |
< < | |
> > | |
> > | |
| jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
This plugin packages the popular jQuery and jQuery UI JavaScript libraries.
- jQuery
is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
- Packaged version: jquery-1.10.2
- jQuery UI
is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.
- Packaged version: jquery-ui-1.10.3
See the JQueryPluginExamples page for a demo of a couple of widgets used by TWiki.
Included libraries
- jquery - base jQuery library
, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery-ui - jQuery UI library
, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery-ui.js"}% or a %JQTHEME{"..."}% - content:
- UI Core:
- Core - the core of jQuery UI, required for all interactions and widgets
- Widget - the widget factory, base for all widgets
- Mouse - the mouse widget, a base class for all interactions and widgets with heavy mouse interaction
- Position - a utility plugin for positioning elements relative to other elements
- Interactions - adding basic behaviors to any element and are used by many components below
- Draggable - makes any element on the page draggable
- Droppable - generated drop targets for draggable elements
- Resizable - makes any element on the page resizable
- Selectable - makes a list of elements mouse selectable by dragging a box or clicking on them
- Sortable - makes a list of items sortable
- Widgets - full-featured UI Controls - each has a range of options and is fully themeable:
- Accordion - creates an accordion navigation widget
- Autocomplete - creates an autocomplete widget
- Button - creates an button widget
- Dialog - opens existing markup in a draggable and resizable dialog
- Slider - a flexible slider with ranges and accessibility via keyboard
- Tabs - transforms a set of container elements into a tab structure
- Datepicker - a datepicker than can be toggled from a input or displayed inline
- Progressbar - a status indicator that can be used for a loading state and standard percentage indicators
- Effects - a rich effect API and ready to use effects:
- Effects Core - extends the internal jQuery effects, includes morphing, easing and is required by all other effects
- Effect "Blind" - blinds the element
- Effect "Bounce" - bounces an element horizontally or vertically n-times
- Effect "Clip" - clips the element on and off like an old TV
- Effect "Drop" - a Drop out effect by moving the element in one direction and hiding it at the same time
- Effect "Explode" - the element explodes in all directions into n pieces. Also supports imploding again
- Effect "Fade" - fades the element
- Effect "Fold" - folds the element first horizontally and then vertically
- Effect "Highlight" - highlights the background of the element in a defined color for a custom duration
- Effect "Pulsate" - the element pulsates n times by changing the opacity to zero and back
- Effect "Scale" - grow or shrink any element and it's content and restore it again
- Effect "Shake" - shakes the element horizontally or vertically n times
- Effect "Slide" - the element slides in and out of the viewport
- Effect "Transfer" - transfer effect from one element to another
- jquery.bgiframe.js - fix z-index issue in IE 6, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.blockUI.js - simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.cookie.js - cookie managers, load with
- jquery.debug.js - debug, load with
- jquery.dom.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.easing.js - set custom easing types for standard animations, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.hoverIntent.js - delay onMouseOver, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.innerfade.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.metadata.js - extract metadata from classes, random attributes, child elements and HTML5 data-* attributes, load with
- jquery.nifty.js - rounded corners, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.shrinkurls.js - shrink URLs, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.spinner.js - spinners, load with
- jquery.superfish.css
- jquery.superfish.js - pulldown menues, load with
- jquery.tabpane.js - tapped panes, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.tooltip.js - tool tips, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.async.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.edit.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.sortable.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.twiki.js - TWiki specific code, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
JQuery Library Documentation
Syntax Rules
%JQSCRIPT{"jquery.js"}% - include the specified script. Keep in mind that the jquery.js script must be loaded before plug-ins scripts.
%JQTHEME{"mythemename"}% - include the specified theme. Better load the desired theme before any script.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH{"myimage.png"}% - expand to the specified image path.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH%/myimage.png - Same result as the above. Available images:
See jQuery Theme Roller for look & feel of available themes. The JQueryPlugin ships with the following themes that can be activated using %JQTHEME{...}% :
smoothness - recommended for TWiki
Known Issues
- jquery.treeview does not work in JQueryPlugin version 2013-08-23
Note to Plugin Maintainer
- See
Installation Instructions
This plugin is pre-installed. TWiki administrators can upgrade the plugin as needed on the TWiki server.
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
JQueryPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: | data/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples.txt | Example topic | data/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin.txt | Test topic | data/TWiki/JQueryPlugin.txt | Plugin documentation topic | data/TWiki/VarJQ*.txt | Variable documentation topics | lib/CPAN/lib/CSS/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/CPAN/lib/JavaScript/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin/Core.pm | Perl module | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/Makefile | Makefile | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.css | Main stylesheet file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js | Main Javascript file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js.gz | Main Javascript file, compressed | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.css | Stylesheet files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.js | Javascript files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.gif and .png | Image files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/i18n/*.js | Style sheets for internationalization | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/images/*.gif and *.png | Image library | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/themes/* | Themes | tools/minifycss | Utility | tools/minifyjs | Utility |
- Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
- Test Sandbox.JQueryPluginExamples for functionality.
<--/twistyPlugin--> |
> > | Specifying where to insert JavaScript and CSS loadling lines
This plugin inserts lines to load JavaScript and CSS files into the rendered HTML.
By default, those lines are inserted at the beginning of the <head> tag content.
That's fine for the skins bundled with TWiki releases.
But you may want to specify where to insert those lines.
In that case:
- Put
<!-- JQueryPlugin placeholder --> at the place you want to have those lines
- Set
$TWiki::cfg{Plugins}{JQueryPlugin}{CheckPlaceholder} to "1" (or any other true value)
| Plugin Info
< < |
> > |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
2014-09-03 |
> > |
Plugin Version: |
2015-09-11 |
| <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline--> |
> > |
2015-09-11: |
TWikibug:Item7686 : JQueryPlugin to be able to insert ~JavaScript and CSS loading lines at a specified place |
2015-01-10: |
TWikibug:Item7604 : Switch from GPL v2 to v3 |
2014-11-14: |
TWikibug:Item7588 : Option to load tab content asynchronously; select specific tab in jQuery tab pane; allow tab panes in bullet lists & TWiki table cells; allow HTML in tab title |
2014-09-03: |
TWikibug:Item7548 : The CSS margin definition of tab(JQTAB) headers need to take precedence. |
2014-08-26: |
TWikibug:Item7544 : JQTAB enhancement: Active tabs have gray gradient; slightly bigger container padding and inter-tab margin |
2014-08-17: |
TWikibug:Item7544 : JQTAB enhancements: Show blue link instead of red link on hover over tab; make css overridable; remove dotted underline below tab -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2013-09-28: |
TWikibug:Item6737 : Fix broken nested tabs -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2013-08-23: |
TWikibug:Item7317 : Update JQueryPlugin to jquery-1.10.2 and jquery-ui-1.10.3 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2013-01-28: |
TWikibug:Item7091 : Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history |
2012-11-13: |
TWikibug:Item7020 : Categorize TWiki Variable -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-07-08: |
TWikibug:Item6725 : Plugins: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "our" -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6675 : Possible to specify JQTHEME more than once per page, but only first one takes effect -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6653 : Update plugin to jquery-1.5.1 and jquery-ui-1.8.10 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2010-06-08: |
TWikibug:Item6486 - upgrade to latest jquery-1.4.2 release -- TWiki:Main/SopanShewale ; add variable documentation topics VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-25: |
TWikibug:Item6436 - renamed too generic variable names BUTTON, TOGGLE, CLEAR, TABPANE, ENDTABPANE, TAB, ENDTAB to JQBUTTON, JQTOGGLE, JQCLEAR, JQTABPANE, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQENDTAB, respectively. Old variables names available if configure setting is set: $TWiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Legacy2008} = 1; -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-22: |
TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, no code changes |
15 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.2; added async treeview; added async options to tabpane |
03 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.1 |
05 Jun 2008: |
updated to jquery-1.2.6 and ui-1.5-RC1 |
30 Apr 2008: |
repackaged to contain jquery UI |
13 Feb 2008: |
upgrade to jquery-1.2.3, as well as most plugins |
17 Jan 2008: |
added jquery.metadata plugin; implemented a jquery.tabpane plugin; updated jquery.dimensions plugin; added jquery.empty plugin to ease development of new plugins |
15 Nov 2007: |
use skin independent way to add javascript files to header |
10 Oct 2007: |
upgraded to jQuery-1.1.4; compressed js and css |
12 Jul 2007: |
initial package containing jQuery- |
Related topics: VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE, PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| JQuery Plugin
Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin or provide feedback at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev .
If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
This plugin packages the popular jQuery and jQuery UI JavaScript libraries.
- jQuery
is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
- Packaged version: jquery-1.10.2
- jQuery UI
is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.
- Packaged version: jquery-ui-1.10.3
See the JQueryPluginExamples page for a demo of a couple of widgets used by TWiki.
Included libraries
- jquery - base jQuery library
, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery-ui - jQuery UI library
, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery-ui.js"}% or a %JQTHEME{"..."}% - content:
- UI Core:
- Core - the core of jQuery UI, required for all interactions and widgets
- Widget - the widget factory, base for all widgets
- Mouse - the mouse widget, a base class for all interactions and widgets with heavy mouse interaction
- Position - a utility plugin for positioning elements relative to other elements
- Interactions - adding basic behaviors to any element and are used by many components below
- Draggable - makes any element on the page draggable
- Droppable - generated drop targets for draggable elements
- Resizable - makes any element on the page resizable
- Selectable - makes a list of elements mouse selectable by dragging a box or clicking on them
- Sortable - makes a list of items sortable
- Widgets - full-featured UI Controls - each has a range of options and is fully themeable:
- Accordion - creates an accordion navigation widget
- Autocomplete - creates an autocomplete widget
- Button - creates an button widget
- Dialog - opens existing markup in a draggable and resizable dialog
- Slider - a flexible slider with ranges and accessibility via keyboard
- Tabs - transforms a set of container elements into a tab structure
- Datepicker - a datepicker than can be toggled from a input or displayed inline
- Progressbar - a status indicator that can be used for a loading state and standard percentage indicators
- Effects - a rich effect API and ready to use effects:
- Effects Core - extends the internal jQuery effects, includes morphing, easing and is required by all other effects
- Effect "Blind" - blinds the element
- Effect "Bounce" - bounces an element horizontally or vertically n-times
- Effect "Clip" - clips the element on and off like an old TV
- Effect "Drop" - a Drop out effect by moving the element in one direction and hiding it at the same time
- Effect "Explode" - the element explodes in all directions into n pieces. Also supports imploding again
- Effect "Fade" - fades the element
- Effect "Fold" - folds the element first horizontally and then vertically
- Effect "Highlight" - highlights the background of the element in a defined color for a custom duration
- Effect "Pulsate" - the element pulsates n times by changing the opacity to zero and back
- Effect "Scale" - grow or shrink any element and it's content and restore it again
- Effect "Shake" - shakes the element horizontally or vertically n times
- Effect "Slide" - the element slides in and out of the viewport
- Effect "Transfer" - transfer effect from one element to another
- jquery.bgiframe.js - fix z-index issue in IE 6, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.blockUI.js - simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.cookie.js - cookie managers, load with
- jquery.debug.js - debug, load with
- jquery.dom.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.easing.js - set custom easing types for standard animations, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.hoverIntent.js - delay onMouseOver, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.innerfade.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.metadata.js - extract metadata from classes, random attributes, child elements and HTML5 data-* attributes, load with
- jquery.nifty.js - rounded corners, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.shrinkurls.js - shrink URLs, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.spinner.js - spinners, load with
- jquery.superfish.css
- jquery.superfish.js - pulldown menues, load with
- jquery.tabpane.js - tapped panes, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.tooltip.js - tool tips, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.async.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.edit.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.sortable.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.twiki.js - TWiki specific code, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
JQuery Library Documentation
Syntax Rules
%JQSCRIPT{"jquery.js"}% - include the specified script. Keep in mind that the jquery.js script must be loaded before plug-ins scripts.
%JQTHEME{"mythemename"}% - include the specified theme. Better load the desired theme before any script.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH{"myimage.png"}% - expand to the specified image path.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH%/myimage.png - Same result as the above. Available images:
See jQuery Theme Roller for look & feel of available themes. The JQueryPlugin ships with the following themes that can be activated using %JQTHEME{...}% :
smoothness - recommended for TWiki
Known Issues
- jquery.treeview does not work in JQueryPlugin version 2013-08-23
Note to Plugin Maintainer
- See
Installation Instructions
This plugin is pre-installed. TWiki administrators can upgrade the plugin as needed on the TWiki server.
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
JQueryPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: | data/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples.txt | Example topic | data/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin.txt | Test topic | data/TWiki/JQueryPlugin.txt | Plugin documentation topic | data/TWiki/VarJQ*.txt | Variable documentation topics | lib/CPAN/lib/CSS/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/CPAN/lib/JavaScript/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin/Core.pm | Perl module | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/Makefile | Makefile | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.css | Main stylesheet file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js | Main Javascript file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js.gz | Main Javascript file, compressed | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.css | Stylesheet files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.js | Javascript files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.gif and .png | Image files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/i18n/*.js | Style sheets for internationalization | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/images/*.gif and *.png | Image library | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/themes/* | Themes | tools/minifycss | Utility | tools/minifyjs | Utility |
- Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
- Test Sandbox.JQueryPluginExamples for functionality.
Plugin Info
< < |
> > |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
2013-09-28 |
> > |
Plugin Version: |
2014-09-03 |
| <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline--> |
> > |
2014-09-03: |
TWikibug:Item7548 : The CSS margin definition of tab(JQTAB) headers need to take precedence. |
2014-08-26: |
TWikibug:Item7544 : JQTAB enhancement: Active tabs have gray gradient; slightly bigger container padding and inter-tab margin |
2014-08-17: |
TWikibug:Item7544 : JQTAB enhancements: Show blue link instead of red link on hover over tab; make css overridable; remove dotted underline below tab -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2013-09-28: |
TWikibug:Item6737 : Fix broken nested tabs -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2013-08-23: |
TWikibug:Item7317 : Update JQueryPlugin to jquery-1.10.2 and jquery-ui-1.10.3 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2013-01-28: |
TWikibug:Item7091 : Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history |
2012-11-13: |
TWikibug:Item7020 : Categorize TWiki Variable -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-07-08: |
TWikibug:Item6725 : Plugins: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "our" -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6675 : Possible to specify JQTHEME more than once per page, but only first one takes effect -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6653 : Update plugin to jquery-1.5.1 and jquery-ui-1.8.10 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2010-06-08: |
TWikibug:Item6486 - upgrade to latest jquery-1.4.2 release -- TWiki:Main/SopanShewale ; add variable documentation topics VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-25: |
TWikibug:Item6436 - renamed too generic variable names BUTTON, TOGGLE, CLEAR, TABPANE, ENDTABPANE, TAB, ENDTAB to JQBUTTON, JQTOGGLE, JQCLEAR, JQTABPANE, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQENDTAB, respectively. Old variables names available if configure setting is set: $TWiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Legacy2008} = 1; -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-22: |
TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, no code changes |
15 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.2; added async treeview; added async options to tabpane |
03 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.1 |
05 Jun 2008: |
updated to jquery-1.2.6 and ui-1.5-RC1 |
30 Apr 2008: |
repackaged to contain jquery UI |
13 Feb 2008: |
upgrade to jquery-1.2.3, as well as most plugins |
17 Jan 2008: |
added jquery.metadata plugin; implemented a jquery.tabpane plugin; updated jquery.dimensions plugin; added jquery.empty plugin to ease development of new plugins |
15 Nov 2007: |
use skin independent way to add javascript files to header |
10 Oct 2007: |
upgraded to jQuery-1.1.4; compressed js and css |
12 Jul 2007: |
initial package containing jQuery- |
Related topics: VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE, PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| JQuery Plugin
Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin or provide feedback at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev .
If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
Description |
< < | This plugin contains the latest version of the jQuery JavaScript library. |
> > | This plugin packages the popular jQuery and jQuery UI JavaScript libraries. |
| |
< < |
"jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages." |
> > |
- jQuery
is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
- Packaged version: jquery-1.10.2
< < | |
| |
> > |
- jQuery UI
is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.
- Packaged version: jquery-ui-1.10.3
| See the JQueryPluginExamples page for a demo of a couple of widgets used by TWiki.
Included libraries
- jquery - base jQuery library
, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery-ui - jQuery UI library
, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery-ui.js"}% or a %JQTHEME{"..."}% - content:
- UI Core:
- Core - the core of jQuery UI, required for all interactions and widgets
- Widget - the widget factory, base for all widgets
- Mouse - the mouse widget, a base class for all interactions and widgets with heavy mouse interaction
- Position - a utility plugin for positioning elements relative to other elements
- Interactions - adding basic behaviors to any element and are used by many components below
- Draggable - makes any element on the page draggable
- Droppable - generated drop targets for draggable elements
- Resizable - makes any element on the page resizable
- Selectable - makes a list of elements mouse selectable by dragging a box or clicking on them
- Sortable - makes a list of items sortable
- Widgets - full-featured UI Controls - each has a range of options and is fully themeable:
- Accordion - creates an accordion navigation widget
- Autocomplete - creates an autocomplete widget
- Button - creates an button widget
- Dialog - opens existing markup in a draggable and resizable dialog
- Slider - a flexible slider with ranges and accessibility via keyboard
- Tabs - transforms a set of container elements into a tab structure
- Datepicker - a datepicker than can be toggled from a input or displayed inline
- Progressbar - a status indicator that can be used for a loading state and standard percentage indicators
- Effects - a rich effect API and ready to use effects:
- Effects Core - extends the internal jQuery effects, includes morphing, easing and is required by all other effects
- Effect "Blind" - blinds the element
- Effect "Bounce" - bounces an element horizontally or vertically n-times
- Effect "Clip" - clips the element on and off like an old TV
- Effect "Drop" - a Drop out effect by moving the element in one direction and hiding it at the same time
- Effect "Explode" - the element explodes in all directions into n pieces. Also supports imploding again
- Effect "Fade" - fades the element
- Effect "Fold" - folds the element first horizontally and then vertically
- Effect "Highlight" - highlights the background of the element in a defined color for a custom duration
- Effect "Pulsate" - the element pulsates n times by changing the opacity to zero and back
- Effect "Scale" - grow or shrink any element and it's content and restore it again
- Effect "Shake" - shakes the element horizontally or vertically n times
- Effect "Slide" - the element slides in and out of the viewport
- Effect "Transfer" - transfer effect from one element to another
- jquery.bgiframe.js - fix z-index issue in IE 6, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.blockUI.js - simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.cookie.js - cookie managers, load with
- jquery.debug.js - debug, load with
- jquery.dom.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.easing.js - set custom easing types for standard animations, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.hoverIntent.js - delay onMouseOver, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.innerfade.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.metadata.js - extract metadata from classes, random attributes, child elements and HTML5 data-* attributes, load with
- jquery.nifty.js - rounded corners, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.shrinkurls.js - shrink URLs, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.spinner.js - spinners, load with
- jquery.superfish.css
- jquery.superfish.js - pulldown menues, load with
- jquery.tabpane.js - tapped panes, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.tooltip.js - tool tips, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.async.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.edit.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.sortable.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.twiki.js - TWiki specific code, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
JQuery Library Documentation
Syntax Rules
%JQSCRIPT{"jquery.js"}% - include the specified script. Keep in mind that the jquery.js script must be loaded before plug-ins scripts.
%JQTHEME{"mythemename"}% - include the specified theme. Better load the desired theme before any script.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH{"myimage.png"}% - expand to the specified image path.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH%/myimage.png - Same result as the above. Available images:
See jQuery Theme Roller for look & feel of available themes. The JQueryPlugin ships with the following themes that can be activated using %JQTHEME{...}% :
smoothness - recommended for TWiki
Known Issues |
< < |
- jquery.tooltip does not work in JQueryPlugin release 1.2 (2011-03-01)
> > |
- jquery.treeview does not work in JQueryPlugin version 2013-08-23
< < |
- jquery.treeview does not work in JQueryPlugin release 1.2 (2011-03-01)
Note to Plugin Maintainer
- See
Installation Instructions
This plugin is pre-installed. TWiki administrators can upgrade the plugin as needed on the TWiki server.
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
JQueryPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: | data/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples.txt | Example topic | data/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin.txt | Test topic | data/TWiki/JQueryPlugin.txt | Plugin documentation topic | data/TWiki/VarJQ*.txt | Variable documentation topics | lib/CPAN/lib/CSS/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/CPAN/lib/JavaScript/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin/Core.pm | Perl module | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/Makefile | Makefile | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.css | Main stylesheet file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js | Main Javascript file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js.gz | Main Javascript file, compressed | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.css | Stylesheet files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.js | Javascript files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.gif and .png | Image files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/i18n/*.js | Style sheets for internationalization | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/images/*.gif and *.png | Image library | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/themes/* | Themes | tools/minifycss | Utility | tools/minifyjs | Utility |
- Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
- Test Sandbox.JQueryPluginExamples for functionality.
Plugin Info
< < |
Plugin Version: |
2013-01-28 |
> > |
Plugin Version: |
2013-09-28 |
| <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline--> |
> > |
2013-01-28: |
TWikibug:Item7091 : Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history |
2012-11-13: |
TWikibug:Item7020 : Categorize TWiki Variable -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-07-08: |
TWikibug:Item6725 : Plugins: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "our" -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6675 : Possible to specify JQTHEME more than once per page, but only first one takes effect -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6653 : Update plugin to jquery-1.5.1 and jquery-ui-1.8.10 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2010-06-08: |
TWikibug:Item6486 - upgrade to latest jquery-1.4.2 release -- TWiki:Main/SopanShewale ; add variable documentation topics VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-25: |
TWikibug:Item6436 - renamed too generic variable names BUTTON, TOGGLE, CLEAR, TABPANE, ENDTABPANE, TAB, ENDTAB to JQBUTTON, JQTOGGLE, JQCLEAR, JQTABPANE, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQENDTAB, respectively. Old variables names available if configure setting is set: $TWiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Legacy2008} = 1; -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-22: |
TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, no code changes |
15 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.2; added async treeview; added async options to tabpane |
03 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.1 |
05 Jun 2008: |
updated to jquery-1.2.6 and ui-1.5-RC1 |
30 Apr 2008: |
repackaged to contain jquery UI |
13 Feb 2008: |
upgrade to jquery-1.2.3, as well as most plugins |
17 Jan 2008: |
added jquery.metadata plugin; implemented a jquery.tabpane plugin; updated jquery.dimensions plugin; added jquery.empty plugin to ease development of new plugins |
15 Nov 2007: |
use skin independent way to add javascript files to header |
10 Oct 2007: |
upgraded to jQuery-1.1.4; compressed js and css |
12 Jul 2007: |
initial package containing jQuery- |
Related topics: VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE, PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| JQuery Plugin
Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin or provide feedback at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev .
If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
This plugin contains the latest version of the jQuery JavaScript library.
"jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages."
See the JQueryPluginExamples page for a demo of a couple of widgets used by TWiki.
Included libraries
- jquery - base jQuery library
, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery-ui - jQuery UI library
, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery-ui.js"}% or a %JQTHEME{"..."}% - content:
- UI Core:
- Core - the core of jQuery UI, required for all interactions and widgets
- Widget - the widget factory, base for all widgets
- Mouse - the mouse widget, a base class for all interactions and widgets with heavy mouse interaction
- Position - a utility plugin for positioning elements relative to other elements
- Interactions - adding basic behaviors to any element and are used by many components below
- Draggable - makes any element on the page draggable
- Droppable - generated drop targets for draggable elements
- Resizable - makes any element on the page resizable
- Selectable - makes a list of elements mouse selectable by dragging a box or clicking on them
- Sortable - makes a list of items sortable
- Widgets - full-featured UI Controls - each has a range of options and is fully themeable:
- Accordion - creates an accordion navigation widget
- Autocomplete - creates an autocomplete widget
- Button - creates an button widget
- Dialog - opens existing markup in a draggable and resizable dialog
- Slider - a flexible slider with ranges and accessibility via keyboard
- Tabs - transforms a set of container elements into a tab structure
- Datepicker - a datepicker than can be toggled from a input or displayed inline
- Progressbar - a status indicator that can be used for a loading state and standard percentage indicators
- Effects - a rich effect API and ready to use effects:
- Effects Core - extends the internal jQuery effects, includes morphing, easing and is required by all other effects
- Effect "Blind" - blinds the element
- Effect "Bounce" - bounces an element horizontally or vertically n-times
- Effect "Clip" - clips the element on and off like an old TV
- Effect "Drop" - a Drop out effect by moving the element in one direction and hiding it at the same time
- Effect "Explode" - the element explodes in all directions into n pieces. Also supports imploding again
- Effect "Fade" - fades the element
- Effect "Fold" - folds the element first horizontally and then vertically
- Effect "Highlight" - highlights the background of the element in a defined color for a custom duration
- Effect "Pulsate" - the element pulsates n times by changing the opacity to zero and back
- Effect "Scale" - grow or shrink any element and it's content and restore it again
- Effect "Shake" - shakes the element horizontally or vertically n times
- Effect "Slide" - the element slides in and out of the viewport
- Effect "Transfer" - transfer effect from one element to another
- jquery.bgiframe.js - fix z-index issue in IE 6, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.blockUI.js - simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.cookie.js - cookie managers, load with
- jquery.debug.js - debug, load with
- jquery.dom.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.easing.js - set custom easing types for standard animations, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.hoverIntent.js - delay onMouseOver, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.innerfade.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.metadata.js - extract metadata from classes, random attributes, child elements and HTML5 data-* attributes, load with
- jquery.nifty.js - rounded corners, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.shrinkurls.js - shrink URLs, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.spinner.js - spinners, load with
- jquery.superfish.css
- jquery.superfish.js - pulldown menues, load with
- jquery.tabpane.js - tapped panes, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.tooltip.js - tool tips, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.async.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.edit.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.sortable.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.twiki.js - TWiki specific code, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
JQuery Library Documentation
Syntax Rules
%JQSCRIPT{"jquery.js"}% - include the specified script. Keep in mind that the jquery.js script must be loaded before plug-ins scripts.
%JQTHEME{"mythemename"}% - include the specified theme. Better load the desired theme before any script.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH{"myimage.png"}% - expand to the specified image path.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH%/myimage.png - Same result as the above. Available images:
See jQuery Theme Roller for look & feel of available themes. The JQueryPlugin ships with the following themes that can be activated using %JQTHEME{...}% :
smoothness - recommended for TWiki
Known Issues
- jquery.tooltip does not work in JQueryPlugin release 1.2 (2011-03-01)
- jquery.treeview does not work in JQueryPlugin release 1.2 (2011-03-01)
Note to Plugin Maintainer
- See
Installation Instructions |
> > | This plugin is pre-installed. TWiki administrators can upgrade the plugin as needed on the TWiki server.
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline--> |
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
JQueryPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: | data/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples.txt | Example topic | data/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin.txt | Test topic | data/TWiki/JQueryPlugin.txt | Plugin documentation topic | data/TWiki/VarJQ*.txt | Variable documentation topics | lib/CPAN/lib/CSS/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/CPAN/lib/JavaScript/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin/Core.pm | Perl module | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/Makefile | Makefile | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.css | Main stylesheet file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js | Main Javascript file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js.gz | Main Javascript file, compressed | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.css | Stylesheet files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.js | Javascript files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.gif and .png | Image files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/i18n/*.js | Style sheets for internationalization | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/images/*.gif and *.png | Image library | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/themes/* | Themes | tools/minifycss | Utility | tools/minifyjs | Utility |
- Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
- Test Sandbox.JQueryPluginExamples for functionality.
> > | <--/twistyPlugin--> |
Plugin Info |
> > | |
< < |
> > |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
1.4 (2012-11-13) |
Change History: |
<-- versions below in reverse order --> |
> > |
Plugin Version: |
2013-01-28 |
> > | mode="div"
showlink="Show Change History http://desperate4jesus.org/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/toggleopen.gif"
hidelink="Hide Change History "
2013-01-28: |
TWikibug:Item7091 : Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history |
2012-11-13: |
TWikibug:Item7020 : Categorize TWiki Variable -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-07-08: |
TWikibug:Item6725 : Plugins: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "our" -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6675 : Possible to specify JQTHEME more than once per page, but only first one takes effect -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6653 : Update plugin to jquery-1.5.1 and jquery-ui-1.8.10 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2010-06-08: |
TWikibug:Item6486 - upgrade to latest jquery-1.4.2 release -- TWiki:Main/SopanShewale ; add variable documentation topics VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-25: |
TWikibug:Item6436 - renamed too generic variable names BUTTON, TOGGLE, CLEAR, TABPANE, ENDTABPANE, TAB, ENDTAB to JQBUTTON, JQTOGGLE, JQCLEAR, JQTABPANE, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQENDTAB, respectively. Old variables names available if configure setting is set: $TWiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Legacy2008} = 1; -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-22: |
TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, no code changes |
15 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.2; added async treeview; added async options to tabpane |
03 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.1 |
05 Jun 2008: |
updated to jquery-1.2.6 and ui-1.5-RC1 |
30 Apr 2008: |
repackaged to contain jquery UI |
13 Feb 2008: |
upgrade to jquery-1.2.3, as well as most plugins |
17 Jan 2008: |
added jquery.metadata plugin; implemented a jquery.tabpane plugin; updated jquery.dimensions plugin; added jquery.empty plugin to ease development of new plugins |
15 Nov 2007: |
use skin independent way to add javascript files to header |
10 Oct 2007: |
upgraded to jQuery-1.1.4; compressed js and css |
12 Jul 2007: |
initial package containing jQuery- |
> > | </> <--/twistyPlugin-->
Related topics: VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE, PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| JQuery Plugin
Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin or provide feedback at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev .
If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
This plugin contains the latest version of the jQuery JavaScript library.
"jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages."
See the JQueryPluginExamples page for a demo of a couple of widgets used by TWiki.
Included libraries
- jquery - base jQuery library
, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery-ui - jQuery UI library
, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery-ui.js"}% or a %JQTHEME{"..."}% - content:
- UI Core:
- Core - the core of jQuery UI, required for all interactions and widgets
- Widget - the widget factory, base for all widgets
- Mouse - the mouse widget, a base class for all interactions and widgets with heavy mouse interaction
- Position - a utility plugin for positioning elements relative to other elements
- Interactions - adding basic behaviors to any element and are used by many components below
- Draggable - makes any element on the page draggable
- Droppable - generated drop targets for draggable elements
- Resizable - makes any element on the page resizable
- Selectable - makes a list of elements mouse selectable by dragging a box or clicking on them
- Sortable - makes a list of items sortable
- Widgets - full-featured UI Controls - each has a range of options and is fully themeable:
- Accordion - creates an accordion navigation widget
- Autocomplete - creates an autocomplete widget
- Button - creates an button widget
- Dialog - opens existing markup in a draggable and resizable dialog
- Slider - a flexible slider with ranges and accessibility via keyboard
- Tabs - transforms a set of container elements into a tab structure
- Datepicker - a datepicker than can be toggled from a input or displayed inline
- Progressbar - a status indicator that can be used for a loading state and standard percentage indicators
- Effects - a rich effect API and ready to use effects:
- Effects Core - extends the internal jQuery effects, includes morphing, easing and is required by all other effects
- Effect "Blind" - blinds the element
- Effect "Bounce" - bounces an element horizontally or vertically n-times
- Effect "Clip" - clips the element on and off like an old TV
- Effect "Drop" - a Drop out effect by moving the element in one direction and hiding it at the same time
- Effect "Explode" - the element explodes in all directions into n pieces. Also supports imploding again
- Effect "Fade" - fades the element
- Effect "Fold" - folds the element first horizontally and then vertically
- Effect "Highlight" - highlights the background of the element in a defined color for a custom duration
- Effect "Pulsate" - the element pulsates n times by changing the opacity to zero and back
- Effect "Scale" - grow or shrink any element and it's content and restore it again
- Effect "Shake" - shakes the element horizontally or vertically n times
- Effect "Slide" - the element slides in and out of the viewport
- Effect "Transfer" - transfer effect from one element to another
- jquery.bgiframe.js - fix z-index issue in IE 6, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.blockUI.js - simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.cookie.js - cookie managers, load with
- jquery.debug.js - debug, load with
- jquery.dom.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.easing.js - set custom easing types for standard animations, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.hoverIntent.js - delay onMouseOver, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.innerfade.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.metadata.js - extract metadata from classes, random attributes, child elements and HTML5 data-* attributes, load with
- jquery.nifty.js - rounded corners, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.shrinkurls.js - shrink URLs, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.spinner.js - spinners, load with
- jquery.superfish.css
- jquery.superfish.js - pulldown menues, load with
- jquery.tabpane.js - tapped panes, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.tooltip.js - tool tips, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.async.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.edit.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.sortable.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.twiki.js - TWiki specific code, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
JQuery Library Documentation
Syntax Rules
%JQSCRIPT{"jquery.js"}% - include the specified script. Keep in mind that the jquery.js script must be loaded before plug-ins scripts.
%JQTHEME{"mythemename"}% - include the specified theme. Better load the desired theme before any script.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH{"myimage.png"}% - expand to the specified image path.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH%/myimage.png - Same result as the above. Available images:
See jQuery Theme Roller for look & feel of available themes. The JQueryPlugin ships with the following themes that can be activated using %JQTHEME{...}% :
smoothness - recommended for TWiki
Known Issues
- jquery.tooltip does not work in JQueryPlugin release 1.2 (2011-03-01)
- jquery.treeview does not work in JQueryPlugin release 1.2 (2011-03-01)
Note to Plugin Maintainer
- See
Installation Instructions
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
JQueryPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: | data/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples.txt | Example topic | data/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin.txt | Test topic | data/TWiki/JQueryPlugin.txt | Plugin documentation topic | data/TWiki/VarJQ*.txt | Variable documentation topics | lib/CPAN/lib/CSS/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/CPAN/lib/JavaScript/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin/Core.pm | Perl module | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/Makefile | Makefile | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.css | Main stylesheet file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js | Main Javascript file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js.gz | Main Javascript file, compressed | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.css | Stylesheet files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.js | Javascript files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.gif and .png | Image files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/i18n/*.js | Style sheets for internationalization | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/images/*.gif and *.png | Image library | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/themes/* | Themes | tools/minifycss | Utility | tools/minifyjs | Utility |
- Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
- Test Sandbox.JQueryPluginExamples for functionality.
Plugin Info
< < |
> > |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
1.4 (2011-07-08) |
> > |
Plugin Version: |
1.4 (2012-11-13) |
Change History: |
<-- versions below in reverse order --> |
> > |
2011-07-08: |
TWikibug:Item6725 : Plugins: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "our" -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6675 : Possible to specify JQTHEME more than once per page, but only first one takes effect -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6653 : Update plugin to jquery-1.5.1 and jquery-ui-1.8.10 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2010-06-08: |
TWikibug:Item6486 - upgrade to latest jquery-1.4.2 release -- TWiki:Main/SopanShewale ; add variable documentation topics VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-25: |
TWikibug:Item6436 - renamed too generic variable names BUTTON, TOGGLE, CLEAR, TABPANE, ENDTABPANE, TAB, ENDTAB to JQBUTTON, JQTOGGLE, JQCLEAR, JQTABPANE, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQENDTAB, respectively. Old variables names available if configure setting is set: $TWiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Legacy2008} = 1; -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-22: |
TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, no code changes |
15 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.2; added async treeview; added async options to tabpane |
03 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.1 |
05 Jun 2008: |
updated to jquery-1.2.6 and ui-1.5-RC1 |
30 Apr 2008: |
repackaged to contain jquery UI |
13 Feb 2008: |
upgrade to jquery-1.2.3, as well as most plugins |
17 Jan 2008: |
added jquery.metadata plugin; implemented a jquery.tabpane plugin; updated jquery.dimensions plugin; added jquery.empty plugin to ease development of new plugins |
15 Nov 2007: |
use skin independent way to add javascript files to header |
10 Oct 2007: |
upgraded to jQuery-1.1.4; compressed js and css |
12 Jul 2007: |
initial package containing jQuery- |
Dependencies: |
None |
Plugin Home: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin |
Feedback: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev |
Appraisal: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginAppraisal |
Related topics: VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE, PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| JQuery Plugin
Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin or provide feedback at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev .
If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
This plugin contains the latest version of the jQuery JavaScript library.
"jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages."
See the JQueryPluginExamples page for a demo of a couple of widgets used by TWiki.
Included libraries
- jquery - base jQuery library
, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery-ui - jQuery UI library
, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery-ui.js"}% or a %JQTHEME{"..."}% - content:
- UI Core:
- Core - the core of jQuery UI, required for all interactions and widgets
- Widget - the widget factory, base for all widgets
- Mouse - the mouse widget, a base class for all interactions and widgets with heavy mouse interaction
- Position - a utility plugin for positioning elements relative to other elements
- Interactions - adding basic behaviors to any element and are used by many components below
- Draggable - makes any element on the page draggable
- Droppable - generated drop targets for draggable elements
- Resizable - makes any element on the page resizable
- Selectable - makes a list of elements mouse selectable by dragging a box or clicking on them
- Sortable - makes a list of items sortable
- Widgets - full-featured UI Controls - each has a range of options and is fully themeable:
- Accordion - creates an accordion navigation widget
- Autocomplete - creates an autocomplete widget
- Button - creates an button widget
- Dialog - opens existing markup in a draggable and resizable dialog
- Slider - a flexible slider with ranges and accessibility via keyboard
- Tabs - transforms a set of container elements into a tab structure
- Datepicker - a datepicker than can be toggled from a input or displayed inline
- Progressbar - a status indicator that can be used for a loading state and standard percentage indicators
- Effects - a rich effect API and ready to use effects:
- Effects Core - extends the internal jQuery effects, includes morphing, easing and is required by all other effects
- Effect "Blind" - blinds the element
- Effect "Bounce" - bounces an element horizontally or vertically n-times
- Effect "Clip" - clips the element on and off like an old TV
- Effect "Drop" - a Drop out effect by moving the element in one direction and hiding it at the same time
- Effect "Explode" - the element explodes in all directions into n pieces. Also supports imploding again
- Effect "Fade" - fades the element
- Effect "Fold" - folds the element first horizontally and then vertically
- Effect "Highlight" - highlights the background of the element in a defined color for a custom duration
- Effect "Pulsate" - the element pulsates n times by changing the opacity to zero and back
- Effect "Scale" - grow or shrink any element and it's content and restore it again
- Effect "Shake" - shakes the element horizontally or vertically n times
- Effect "Slide" - the element slides in and out of the viewport
- Effect "Transfer" - transfer effect from one element to another
- jquery.bgiframe.js - fix z-index issue in IE 6, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.blockUI.js - simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.cookie.js - cookie managers, load with
- jquery.debug.js - debug, load with
- jquery.dom.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.easing.js - set custom easing types for standard animations, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.hoverIntent.js - delay onMouseOver, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.innerfade.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.metadata.js - extract metadata from classes, random attributes, child elements and HTML5 data-* attributes, load with
- jquery.nifty.js - rounded corners, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.shrinkurls.js - shrink URLs, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.spinner.js - spinners, load with
- jquery.superfish.css
- jquery.superfish.js - pulldown menues, load with
- jquery.tabpane.js - tapped panes, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.tooltip.js - tool tips, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.async.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.edit.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.sortable.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.twiki.js - TWiki specific code, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
JQuery Library Documentation
Syntax Rules
%JQSCRIPT{"jquery.js"}% - include the specified script. Keep in mind that the jquery.js script must be loaded before plug-ins scripts.
%JQTHEME{"mythemename"}% - include the specified theme. Better load the desired theme before any script.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH{"myimage.png"}% - expand to the specified image path.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH%/myimage.png - Same result as the above. Available images:
See jQuery Theme Roller for look & feel of available themes. The JQueryPlugin ships with the following themes that can be activated using %JQTHEME{...}% :
smoothness - recommended for TWiki
Known Issues
- jquery.tooltip does not work in JQueryPlugin release 1.2 (2011-03-01)
- jquery.treeview does not work in JQueryPlugin release 1.2 (2011-03-01)
Note to Plugin Maintainer
- See
Installation Instructions
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
JQueryPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: | data/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples.txt | Example topic | data/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin.txt | Test topic | data/TWiki/JQueryPlugin.txt | Plugin documentation topic | data/TWiki/VarJQ*.txt | Variable documentation topics | lib/CPAN/lib/CSS/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/CPAN/lib/JavaScript/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin.pm | Perl module | lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin/Core.pm | Perl module | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/Makefile | Makefile | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.css | Main stylesheet file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js | Main Javascript file | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js.gz | Main Javascript file, compressed | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.css | Stylesheet files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.js | Javascript files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.gif and .png | Image files | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/i18n/*.js | Style sheets for internationalization | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/images/*.gif and *.png | Image library | pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/themes/* | Themes | tools/minifycss | Utility | tools/minifyjs | Utility |
- Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
- Test Sandbox.JQueryPluginExamples for functionality.
Plugin Info
< < |
Plugin Version: |
1.3 (2011-04-01) |
> > |
Plugin Version: |
1.4 (2011-07-08) |
Change History: |
<-- versions below in reverse order --> |
> > |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6675 : Possible to specify JQTHEME more than once per page, but only first one takes effect -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2011-03-01: |
TWikibug:Item6653 : Update plugin to jquery-1.5.1 and jquery-ui-1.8.10 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
2010-06-08: |
TWikibug:Item6486 - upgrade to latest jquery-1.4.2 release -- TWiki:Main/SopanShewale ; add variable documentation topics VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-25: |
TWikibug:Item6436 - renamed too generic variable names BUTTON, TOGGLE, CLEAR, TABPANE, ENDTABPANE, TAB, ENDTAB to JQBUTTON, JQTOGGLE, JQCLEAR, JQTABPANE, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQENDTAB, respectively. Old variables names available if configure setting is set: $TWiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Legacy2008} = 1; -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-22: |
TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, no code changes |
15 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.2; added async treeview; added async options to tabpane |
03 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.1 |
05 Jun 2008: |
updated to jquery-1.2.6 and ui-1.5-RC1 |
30 Apr 2008: |
repackaged to contain jquery UI |
13 Feb 2008: |
upgrade to jquery-1.2.3, as well as most plugins |
17 Jan 2008: |
added jquery.metadata plugin; implemented a jquery.tabpane plugin; updated jquery.dimensions plugin; added jquery.empty plugin to ease development of new plugins |
15 Nov 2007: |
use skin independent way to add javascript files to header |
10 Oct 2007: |
upgraded to jQuery-1.1.4; compressed js and css |
12 Jul 2007: |
initial package containing jQuery- |
Dependencies: |
None |
Plugin Home: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin |
Feedback: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev |
Appraisal: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginAppraisal |
Related topics: VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE, PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
| JQuery Plugin
< < | |
> > | |
| |
< < | |
> > | |
> > | jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki |
This plugin contains the latest version of the jQuery JavaScript library.
"jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages."
See the JQueryPluginExamples page for a demo of a couple of widgets used by TWiki.
Included libraries |
< < |
- jquery
- jquery.bgiframe
- jquery.blockUI
- jquery.debug
- jquery.dimensions
- jquery.dom
- jquery.easing
- jquery.hoverIntent
- jquery.innerfade
- jquery.metadata
- jquery.nifty
- jquery.shrinkurls
- jquery.spinner
- jquery.superfish
- jquery.tabpane (non-ui version)
- jquery.tooltip
- jquery.treeview
- ui.accordion
- ui.datepicker
- ui.dialog
- ui.draggable
- ui.droppable
- ui.mouse
- ui.resizable
- ui.selectable
- ui.slider
- ui.sortable
- ui.tabs
> > |
- jquery - base jQuery library
, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery-ui - jQuery UI library
, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery-ui.js"}% or a %JQTHEME{"..."}% - content:
- UI Core:
- Core - the core of jQuery UI, required for all interactions and widgets
- Widget - the widget factory, base for all widgets
- Mouse - the mouse widget, a base class for all interactions and widgets with heavy mouse interaction
- Position - a utility plugin for positioning elements relative to other elements
- Interactions - adding basic behaviors to any element and are used by many components below
- Draggable - makes any element on the page draggable
- Droppable - generated drop targets for draggable elements
- Resizable - makes any element on the page resizable
- Selectable - makes a list of elements mouse selectable by dragging a box or clicking on them
- Sortable - makes a list of items sortable
- Widgets - full-featured UI Controls - each has a range of options and is fully themeable:
- Accordion - creates an accordion navigation widget
- Autocomplete - creates an autocomplete widget
- Button - creates an button widget
- Dialog - opens existing markup in a draggable and resizable dialog
- Slider - a flexible slider with ranges and accessibility via keyboard
- Tabs - transforms a set of container elements into a tab structure
- Datepicker - a datepicker than can be toggled from a input or displayed inline
- Progressbar - a status indicator that can be used for a loading state and standard percentage indicators
- Effects - a rich effect API and ready to use effects:
- Effects Core - extends the internal jQuery effects, includes morphing, easing and is required by all other effects
- Effect "Blind" - blinds the element
- Effect "Bounce" - bounces an element horizontally or vertically n-times
- Effect "Clip" - clips the element on and off like an old TV
- Effect "Drop" - a Drop out effect by moving the element in one direction and hiding it at the same time
> > |
- Effect "Explode" - the element explodes in all directions into n pieces. Also supports imploding again
- Effect "Fade" - fades the element
- Effect "Fold" - folds the element first horizontally and then vertically
- Effect "Highlight" - highlights the background of the element in a defined color for a custom duration
- Effect "Pulsate" - the element pulsates n times by changing the opacity to zero and back
- Effect "Scale" - grow or shrink any element and it's content and restore it again
- Effect "Shake" - shakes the element horizontally or vertically n times
- Effect "Slide" - the element slides in and out of the viewport
- Effect "Transfer" - transfer effect from one element to another
- jquery.bgiframe.js - fix z-index issue in IE 6, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.blockUI.js - simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.cookie.js - cookie managers, load with
- jquery.debug.js - debug, load with
- jquery.dom.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.easing.js - set custom easing types for standard animations, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.hoverIntent.js - delay onMouseOver, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.innerfade.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.metadata.js - extract metadata from classes, random attributes, child elements and HTML5 data-* attributes, load with
- jquery.nifty.js - rounded corners, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.shrinkurls.js - shrink URLs, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.spinner.js - spinners, load with
- jquery.superfish.css
- jquery.superfish.js - pulldown menues, load with
- jquery.tabpane.js - tapped panes, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.tooltip.js - tool tips, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.async.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.treeview.edit.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.sortable.js - expandable trees, load with
- jquery.treeview.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
- jquery.twiki.js - TWiki specific code, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
JQuery Library Documentation
Syntax Rules
%JQSCRIPT{"jquery.js"}% - include the specified script. Keep in mind that the jquery.js script must be loaded before plug-ins scripts.
%JQTHEME{"mythemename"}% - include the specified theme. Better load the desired theme before any script.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH{"myimage.png"}% - expand to the specified image path.
< < |
%JQIMAGESURLPATH%/myimage.png - Same result as the above.
> > |
%JQIMAGESURLPATH%/myimage.png - Same result as the above. Available images:
> > |
Themes |
< < | The following themes are provided: |
> > | See jQuery Theme Roller for look & feel of available themes. The JQueryPlugin ships with the following themes that can be activated using %JQTHEME{...}% : |
< < | |
| |
> > |
smoothness - recommended for TWiki
| Examples
> > | Known Issues
- jquery.tooltip does not work in JQueryPlugin release 1.2 (2011-03-01)
- jquery.treeview does not work in JQueryPlugin release 1.2 (2011-03-01)
Note to Plugin Maintainer
- See
| Installation Instructions
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
JQueryPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: | data/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples.txt | Example topic | data/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin.txt | Test topic | data/TWiki/JQueryPlugin.txt | Plugin documentation topic | data/TWiki/VarJQ*.txt | Variable documentation topics | lib/CPAN/lib/CSS/Minifier.pm | Perl module | lib/CPAN/lib/JavaScript/Minifier.pm | Perl module |
< < |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin/Core.pm |
Perl module |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin.pm |
Perl module |
> > |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin/Core.pm |
Perl module |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/Makefile |
Makefile |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.css |
Main stylesheet file |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js |
Main Javascript file |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js.gz |
Main Javascript file, compressed |
> > |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.css |
Stylesheet files |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.js |
Javascript files |
< < |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.gif |
Image files |
> > |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.gif and .png |
Image files |
< < |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.png |
Image files |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/i18n/*.js |
Style sheets for internationalization |
< < |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/images/*.gif |
Image library |
> > |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/images/*.gif and *.png |
Image library |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/themes/* |
Themes |
tools/minifycss |
Utility |
tools/minifyjs |
Utility |
- Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
- Test Sandbox.JQueryPluginExamples for functionality.
Plugin Info |
< < |
> > |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
1.1 (2010-04-25) |
> > |
Plugin Version: |
1.3 (2011-04-01) |
Change History: |
<-- versions below in reverse order --> |
> > |
2010-06-08: |
TWikibug:Item6486 - upgrade to latest jquery-1.4.2 release -- TWiki:Main/SopanShewale ; add variable documentation topics VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-25: |
TWikibug:Item6436 - renamed too generic variable names BUTTON, TOGGLE, CLEAR, TABPANE, ENDTABPANE, TAB, ENDTAB to JQBUTTON, JQTOGGLE, JQCLEAR, JQTABPANE, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQENDTAB, respectively. Old variables names available if configure setting is set: $TWiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Legacy2008} = 1; -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-22: |
TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, no code changes |
15 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.2; added async treeview; added async options to tabpane |
03 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.1 |
05 Jun 2008: |
updated to jquery-1.2.6 and ui-1.5-RC1 |
30 Apr 2008: |
repackaged to contain jquery UI |
13 Feb 2008: |
upgrade to jquery-1.2.3, as well as most plugins |
17 Jan 2008: |
added jquery.metadata plugin; implemented a jquery.tabpane plugin; updated jquery.dimensions plugin; added jquery.empty plugin to ease development of new plugins |
15 Nov 2007: |
use skin independent way to add javascript files to header |
10 Oct 2007: |
upgraded to jQuery-1.1.4; compressed js and css |
12 Jul 2007: |
initial package containing jQuery- |
Dependencies: |
None |
Plugin Home: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin |
Feedback: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev |
Appraisal: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginAppraisal |
Related topics: VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE, PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
< < | |
| |
| JQuery Plugin
Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page
at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin or provide feedback
at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev .
If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
--> |
< < | jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki |
> > | |
> > |
| |
< < | |
| Description |
> > | |
| This plugin contains the latest version of the jQuery JavaScript library.
"jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages."
See the JQueryPluginExamples page for a demo of a couple of widgets used by TWiki.
Included libraries |
> > | |
- jquery
- jquery.bgiframe
- jquery.blockUI
- jquery.debug
- jquery.dimensions
- jquery.dom
- jquery.easing
- jquery.hoverIntent
- jquery.innerfade
- jquery.metadata
- jquery.nifty
- jquery.shrinkurls
- jquery.spinner
- jquery.superfish
- jquery.tabpane (non-ui version)
- jquery.tooltip
- jquery.treeview
- ui.accordion
- ui.datepicker
- ui.dialog
- ui.draggable
- ui.droppable
- ui.mouse
- ui.resizable
- ui.selectable
- ui.slider
- ui.sortable
- ui.tabs
JQuery Library Documentation |
> > | |
Syntax Rules
%JQSCRIPT{"jquery.js"}% - include the specified script. Keep in mind that the jquery.js script must be loaded before plug-ins scripts.
%JQTHEME{"mythemename"}% - include the specified theme. Better load the desired theme before any script.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH{"myimage.png"}% - expand to the specified image path.
%JQIMAGESURLPATH%/myimage.png - Same result as the above.
The following themes are provided:
Installation Instructions |
> > | |
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
JQueryPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: | data/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples.txt | Example topic | data/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin.txt | Test topic | data/TWiki/JQueryPlugin.txt | Plugin documentation topic |
> > |
data/TWiki/VarJQ*.txt |
Variable documentation topics |
lib/CPAN/lib/CSS/Minifier.pm |
Perl module |
lib/CPAN/lib/JavaScript/Minifier.pm |
Perl module |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin/Core.pm |
Perl module |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/JQueryPlugin.pm |
Perl module |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/Makefile |
Makefile |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.css |
Main stylesheet file |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js |
Main Javascript file |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/jquery-all.js.gz |
Main Javascript file, compressed |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.js |
Javascript files |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.gif |
Image files |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/*.png |
Image files |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/i18n/*.js |
Style sheets for internationalization |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/images/*.gif |
Image library |
pub/TWiki/JQueryPlugin/themes/* |
Themes |
tools/minifycss |
Utility |
tools/minifyjs |
Utility |
< < |
- TWiki 4 and up: Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
> > |
- Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
Plugin Info
> > |
2010-04-25: |
TWikibug:Item6436 - renamed too generic variable names BUTTON, TOGGLE, CLEAR, TABPANE, ENDTABPANE, TAB, ENDTAB to JQBUTTON, JQTOGGLE, JQCLEAR, JQTABPANE, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQENDTAB, respectively. Old variables names available if configure setting is set: $TWiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Legacy2008} = 1; -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
2010-04-22: |
TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, no code changes |
15 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.2; added async treeview; added async options to tabpane |
03 Jul 2008: |
updated to ui-1.5.1 |
05 Jun 2008: |
updated to jquery-1.2.6 and ui-1.5-RC1 |
30 Apr 2008: |
repackaged to contain jquery UI |
13 Feb 2008: |
upgrade to jquery-1.2.3, as well as most plugins |
17 Jan 2008: |
added jquery.metadata plugin; implemented a jquery.tabpane plugin; updated jquery.dimensions plugin; added jquery.empty plugin to ease development of new plugins |
15 Nov 2007: |
use skin independent way to add javascript files to header |
10 Oct 2007: |
upgraded to jQuery-1.1.4; compressed js and css |
12 Jul 2007: |
initial package containing jQuery- |
Dependencies: |
None |
Plugin Home: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin |
Feedback: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev |
Appraisal: |
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginAppraisal |
< < | Related topics: PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
> > | Related topics: VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE, PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
> > | |
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