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JQuery Plugin

jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki


This plugin packages the popular jQuery and jQuery UI JavaScript libraries.

See the JQueryPluginExamples page for a demo of a couple of widgets used by TWiki.

Included libraries

  1. jquery - base jQuery library, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  2. jquery-ui - jQuery UI library, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery-ui.js"}% or a %JQTHEME{"..."}% - content:
  3. jquery.bgiframe.js - fix z-index issue in IE 6, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  4. jquery.blockUI.js - simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  5. jquery.cookie.js - cookie managers, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery.cookie.js"}%
  6. jquery.debug.js - debug, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery.debug.js"}%
  7. jquery.dom.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  8. jquery.easing.js - set custom easing types for standard animations, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  9. jquery.hoverIntent.js - delay onMouseOver, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  10. jquery.innerfade.js - loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  11. jquery.metadata.js - extract metadata from classes, random attributes, child elements and HTML5 data-* attributes, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery.metadata.js"}%
  12. jquery.nifty.js - rounded corners, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  13. jquery.shrinkurls.js - shrink URLs, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  14. jquery.spinner.js - spinners, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery.spinner.js"}%
  15. jquery.superfish.css
  16. jquery.superfish.js - pulldown menues, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery.superfish.js"}%
  17. jquery.tabpane.js - tapped panes, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  18. jquery.tooltip.js - tool tips, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  19. jquery.treeview.async.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  20. jquery.treeview.edit.js - expandable trees, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery.treeview.edit.js"}%
  21. jquery.treeview.sortable.js - expandable trees, load with %JQSCRIPT{"jquery.treeview.sortable.js"}%
  22. jquery.treeview.js - expandable trees, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled
  23. jquery.twiki.js - TWiki specific code, loaded when JQueryPlugin is enabled

JQuery Library Documentation

Syntax Rules


See jQuery Theme Roller for look & feel of available themes. The JQueryPlugin ships with the following themes that can be activated using %JQTHEME{...}%:


Known Issues

Note to Plugin Maintainer

Installation Instructions

This plugin is pre-installed. TWiki administrators can upgrade the plugin as needed on the TWiki server.

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Specifying where to insert JavaScript and CSS loadling lines

This plugin inserts lines to load JavaScript and CSS files into the rendered HTML. By default, those lines are inserted at the beginning of the <head> tag content. That's fine for the skins bundled with TWiki releases. But you may want to specify where to insert those lines. In that case:

  1. Put <!-- JQueryPlugin placeholder --> at the place you want to have those lines
  2. Set $TWiki::cfg{Plugins}{JQueryPlugin}{CheckPlaceholder} to "1" (or any other true value)

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.MichaelDaum, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Copyright: © 2007-2008 Michael Daum http://michaeldaumconsulting.com
© 2008-2015 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 2015-09-11

Show Change History toggleopen.gif Hide Change History toggleclose.gif
2015-09-11: TWikibug:Item7686: JQueryPlugin to be able to insert ~JavaScript and CSS loading lines at a specified place
2015-01-10: TWikibug:Item7604: Switch from GPL v2 to v3
2014-11-14: TWikibug:Item7588: Option to load tab content asynchronously; select specific tab in jQuery tab pane; allow tab panes in bullet lists & TWiki table cells; allow HTML in tab title
2014-09-03: TWikibug:Item7548: The CSS margin definition of tab(JQTAB) headers need to take precedence.
2014-08-26: TWikibug:Item7544: JQTAB enhancement: Active tabs have gray gradient; slightly bigger container padding and inter-tab margin
2014-08-17: TWikibug:Item7544: JQTAB enhancements: Show blue link instead of red link on hover over tab; make css overridable; remove dotted underline below tab -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2013-09-28: TWikibug:Item6737: Fix broken nested tabs -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2013-08-23: TWikibug:Item7317: Update JQueryPlugin to jquery-1.10.2 and jquery-ui-1.10.3 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2013-01-28: TWikibug:Item7091: Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history
2012-11-13: TWikibug:Item7020: Categorize TWiki Variable -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-07-08: TWikibug:Item6725: Plugins: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "our" -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-03-01: TWikibug:Item6675: Possible to specify JQTHEME more than once per page, but only first one takes effect -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-03-01: TWikibug:Item6653: Update plugin to jquery-1.5.1 and jquery-ui-1.8.10 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2010-06-08: TWikibug:Item6486 - upgrade to latest jquery-1.4.2 release -- TWiki:Main/SopanShewale; add variable documentation topics VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny
2010-04-25: TWikibug:Item6436 - renamed too generic variable names BUTTON, TOGGLE, CLEAR, TABPANE, ENDTABPANE, TAB, ENDTAB to JQBUTTON, JQTOGGLE, JQCLEAR, JQTABPANE, JQENDTABPANE, JQTAB, JQENDTAB, respectively. Old variables names available if configure setting is set: $TWiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Legacy2008} = 1; -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny
2010-04-22: TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, no code changes
15 Jul 2008: updated to ui-1.5.2; added async treeview; added async options to tabpane
03 Jul 2008: updated to ui-1.5.1
05 Jun 2008: updated to jquery-1.2.6 and ui-1.5-RC1
30 Apr 2008: repackaged to contain jquery UI
13 Feb 2008: upgrade to jquery-1.2.3, as well as most plugins
17 Jan 2008: added jquery.metadata plugin; implemented a jquery.tabpane plugin; updated jquery.dimensions plugin; added jquery.empty plugin to ease development of new plugins
15 Nov 2007: use skin independent way to add javascript files to header
10 Oct 2007: upgraded to jQuery-1.1.4; compressed js and css
12 Jul 2007: initial package containing jQuery-
Dependencies: None
Plugin Home: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPlugin
Feedback: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginDev
Appraisal: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/JQueryPluginAppraisal

Related topics: VarJQTABPANE, VarJQTAB, VarJQENDTAB, VarJQENDTABPANE, PluginTestJQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory

Revision r9 - 2015-09-11 - 00:29:32 - TWikiContributor Edit