( vs. 1) GreekGrammarVerbsVoice < Tait < TWiki

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Tait  GreekGrammarVerbsVoice ( vs. 1)

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 <<O>>  Difference Topic GreekGrammarVerbsVoice (1 - 2006-08-30 - TaitCyrus)
META TOPICPARENT name="GreekGrammar"
Voice is the property of the verb that indicates how the subject is related to the action (or state) expressed by the verb. In general, the voice of the verb may indicate that the subject is doing the action (active), receiving the action (passive), or both doing and receiving (at least the results of) the action (middle).

META TOPICMOVED by="TaitCyrus" date="1156909511" from="Tait.GreekGrammarVerbs" to="Tait.GreekGrammarVerbsVoice"

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Revision r1 - 2006-08-30 - 03:47:32 - TaitCyrus Edit

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