Item5252 |
RenderListPlugin produces warnings with list with no level 1 bullets |
Item5246 |
When using SERVERTIME with $week in template TWIki fails on missing CPAN lib dependency |
Item5245 |
adding missing docs for NEWLINKFORMAT - introduced in 2006 |
Item5226 |
TWikiUserMapping speed re-enhancements |
Item5210 |
EDITTABLE with a simple text input in which the user has put %BR gets trunkated at the first BR |
Item5123 |
missing fetchUsers method in |
Item5121 |
Performance: Copy hash |
Item5046 |
error link mailto |
Item5040 |
Auto attach has hardcoded the string 'UnknownUser' for the attachment meta user attr |
Item5038 |
TablePlugin prepends 'table' to id parameter |
Item5031 |
"Here" link in merge_notice in templates/messages.tmpl |
Item5029 | prints incomplete and confusing error message |
Item5019 |
if you get a lease conflict when using EditTablePlugin, the oops conflict output link is unusable |
Item5009 |
TWISTY link parameter doesn't support (local) variables (set in topic and used with %) properly |
Item5008 |
If you register someone you are magically logged in as them |
Item5004 |
AutoAttach created META that will break topic rendering |
Item4991 |
TwistyPlugin: add behaviour earlier to head than twisty js |
Item4989 |
wrong expansion of deprecated URL tag |
Item4986 |
select+multi+values broken in various respects |
Item4973 |
default skin appears to have javascript in it |
Item4972 |
session files should only be created for web based sessions. |
Item4971 |
taint error when registering and verify is off |
Item4944 |
EditTablePlugin data corruption under mod_perl |
Item4941 |
ChangePassword form does not detect failure when .htpasswd is read-only |
Item4939 |
Pass topicparent when creating a new topic |
Item4928 |
lets use HTTP error codes in rest cgi, rather than rather less useful die's |
Item4921 |
rest cgi is not testing the URL correctly |
Item4918 |
checkpoint-save ignores EDIT_TEMPATE |
Item4900 |
0 is not recognized as valid input in a mandatory form field |
Item4898 |
tmp and working dir security needs work (docco and code |
Item4879 |
configure not honoring $TWiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPath} |
Item4856 |
EditTablePlugin: make buttons customizable and translatable |
Item4854 |
EditTablePlugin: undefined textarea size gives error in log |
Item4848 |
EditTablePlugin textarea bug! |
Item4846 |
Installation process SNAFU if you don't set a configure PW |
Item4819 |
viewauth redirect loops to death when Main and TWiki webs both are view denied for TWikiGuest |
Item4816 |
EditPreferences of Main.TWikiPreferences broken |
Item4807 |
swap twikistyle and defaultstyle definitions |
Item4797 |
Online installer not resolving dependencies |
Item4794 |
Wrong link to FileAttachment |
Item4793 |
Login screen has error messages the wrong order |
Item4774 |
When using a field type select+multi in a form used in a template topic, the field doesn't remember the selection |
Item4765 |
Reading static HTML's for upgrade/install is difficult without internet connection/behind firewall |
Item4761 |
Remove inline scripts from pattern skin |
Item4756 |
raw=all does not show all meta when VIEW_TEMPLATE is defined. |
Item4753 |
/bin/twiki is experimental stuff that should not be in distribution |
Item4752 |
Terrifying text appears below plugins list during new extensions install via configure |
Item4736 |
add expires header for css js etc |
Item4727 |
nested web creation is broken (it should prevent the user from creating them if its disabled...) |
Item4724 |
afterEditHandler is never called on "Quiet Save" |
Item4722 |
Unused EXPERT options are always shown |
Item4718 |
Improve the installation doc for how to setup apache config for configure |
Item4713 |
Repackage native search as a conrib, remove from 4.2 |
Item4702 |
Lighter top bar background image |
Item4694 |
Standard user topics of TWikiUserMapping are referenced, but not defined |
Item4692 |
Forking search algorithm throws error if topic is nonexistent |
Item4680 |
Print view seems weird in both pattern skin and default skin |
Item4677 |
Search results now have empty line (= html P) between search header and results list |
Item4676 |
Update color scheme to match new neutral table borders |
Item4675 |
Add completePageHandler for plugins |
Item4671 |
default skin is a bit broken |
Item4670 |
close browser advice non-sensical when not using apache login |
Item4667 |
Adding CGI::Session with distribution and enable Template login by default. |
Item4664 |
Web rename renames content as well |
Item4661 |
renaming a topic destroys full qualified topic names |
Item4659 |
Change the strategy of protecting again html attach spam to not harm Wysiwyg editor |
Item4658 |
remove use of undefined variable un utf8 code |
Item4605 |
User shown as Unknown User (Login ID) when author is not in TWikiUsers. Bad feature |
Item4590 |
Rename "Checkpoint" to "Save and Continue" |
Item4585 |
configure generates apache errors |
Item4576 |
Improve how emailing is enabled and disabled in TWiki especially for registration |
Item4569 |
WebSearchAdvanced does not show selected state for default radion button "both" |
Item4539 |
Rename css class TWikiFooterNote to twikiFooterNote |
Item4510 |
Remove inline scripts |
Item4509 |
Prevent [ and ] in topic names when renaming topics |
Item4508 |
ResetPassword, ChangePassword, ChangeEmailAddress, TWikiRegistration needs to be hacked after each upgrade |
Item4505 |
User registration states incorrect user name |
Item4493 |
Inline rdiff between rev 0 and rev 1 is empty |
Item4487 |
As described in TWiki.TWikiScripts auth protect rest |
Item4476 |
Missing error message when registration mail fails to be sent |
Item4459 |
TemplateLogin messages not translated |
Item4458 |
Topic newsletter notifications in MailerContrib fail |
Item4453 |
A Set embedded in a list has problems |
Item4449 |
No (simple) way to create a Set |
Item4448 |
InterwikiPlugin: Change ISBN rule |
Item4440 |
reading the FORMFIELDs of another topic imposes its access rights |
Item4439 |
%INCLUDE breaks enumeration/tables when included topic has file attachments |
Item4435 |
Paragraphs not correctly handled |
Item4434 |
Patch for improper replacing of "0" with "" (empty string) in URLPARAM default value |
Item4432 |
%VAR causes an internal server error |
Item4426 |
HTMl embedded in lists breaks the translator |
Item4425 |
Empty bullets get a br tag. |
Item4403 |
Error saving topic message not shown as code because of trailing space |
Item4402 |
Access check based on getWikiUserName (fails) vs. getWikiName (succeeds) |
Item4399 |
Add a note about adding a doc license to footer when installing TWiki |
Item4397 |
Authenticating through REST does not work in MAIN |
Item4383 |
{Register}{NeedVerification} shoud not be an expert setting and disabled by default |
Item4380 |
mailnotify fails due to TWIki::Merge failing |
Item4378 |
default skin, and thus the classic skin, contains javascript |
Item4372 |
Custom META fields that don't have the name key are ignored by TWiki::Store |
Item4355 |
bulkregistration is unforgiving on TWikiTable format |
Item4349 |
TablePlugin generates invalid html attribute maxcols |
Item4347 |
Empty field values in searches are returned as strings containing "$value" |
Item4335 |
TablePlugin: TWikiTables in TWikiLists generate invalid html |
Item4333 |
OopsException allows anything from a URL to pass through to the generated HTML incl scripts |
Item4332 |
No error message for duplicate_activation |
Item4319 |
{SafeEnvPath} screws up windows |
Item4308 |
getListOfWebs() and webExists() disagree |
Item4300 |
TablePlugin overrides skin css AGAIN |
Item4284 |
Support topic permissions checking |
Item4280 |
Move hide-if-no-javascript functionality from TwistyPlugin to default templates |
Item4271 |
Update TwistyPlugin with TWiki 4 javascript files |
Item4269 |
Update TwistyContrib with TWiki 4 javascript files |
Item4260 |
Add MAKETEXT to all default templates |
Item4258 |
Get rid of default TH background color |
Item4257 |
Default templates and documentation topics assume pattern CSS classes |
Item4250 |
Pipe symbol (i.e. in SEARCH) breaks Form Definition Table |
Item4249 |
RegistrationApprovals is not a web |
Item4243 |
Malformed META embedded in text can crash TWiki |
Item4239 |
syntax error at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/TEST/lib/TWiki/ Users/ line 67, near "}" |
Item4236 |
Configure harmless errors confuse people when they have other unrelated errors. |
Item4229 |
Remove deprecated filename attribute from attach template |
Item4219 |
Add correct CSS class to select box |
Item4207 |
Usability: Warn if more than one {WebMasterEmail} e-mail address |
Item4204 |
Document how you become an admin user with new temporary admin login (sudo) |
Item4193 |
Show and hide WYSIWYG buttons based on COMPOSER setting |
Item4173 |
GROUPS variable kills server if there is a large group |
Item4166 |
TwistyPlugin: wrong use of plugin handlers |
Item4158 |
TWikiRegistration does not pass on multiple checkbox element values to UserForm. |
Item4157 | broken |
Item4156 |
Fixing twiki cgi for logging in |
Item4151 |
Javascript: twiki object overwritten |
Item4150 |
Add global setting to allow non-WikiWords |
Item4146 |
Documentation VarENCODE param typo |
Item4143 |
Remove max length on attachment comment |
Item4141 |
Topic templates are not documented |
Item4138 |
Doc bug in TWikiUpgradeGuide.html |
Item4128 |
Create default directive for non-view pages |
Item4126 |
WebSearch: Fix checkbox state based on url param web=all |
Item4088 |
Add css style to raw textarea |
Item4081 |
Broken Links to Topics and Subwebs |
Item4080 |
Downloading extension via configure sometimes end up in an "Invalid header block" message |
Item4071 |
Add dmg to mime.types |
Item4067 |
Hexadecimal character references do not work |
Item4063 |
Document how to reset a password with ApacheLogin |
Item4062 |
Reset password message doesn't make sense any more |
Item4060 |
template login Error message activated when there was no error |
Item4048 |
EditTablePlugin: Password shown in URL params after template login on direct sort urls (authenticated setups) |
Item4045 |
PatternSkin: More space in topic name fields and file field |
Item4043 |
attachments have bad user name display issues |
Item4042 |
Broken formfield "name" and "title" attributes |
Item4035 |
METASEARCH doc not complete. format option and probably more are missing in the doc |
Item4034 |
Topic rename: error in javascript so select all does not work |
Item4028 |
Authenticated twice; garbled CommentPlugin text |
Item4023 |
configure link for 'Expert mode' missing t= parameter to prevent caching |
Item4019 |
Remove preferences edit button from TWiki.TWikiPreferences |
Item4006 |
More options: do not show "View previous topic revision" when there is no previous version |
Item3991 |
Add spaceOutWikiWord to Func |
Item3989 |
Problematic Values for FINALPREFERENCES in Distribution |
Item3971 |
viewauth Redirect May Add Superfluous Slash |
Item3969 |
Emails may be 8bit, not 7bit |
Item3968 |
Base HREF is wrong when scripturls are changed |
Item3957 |
Mandatory fields will not accept 0 |
Item3955 |
RCS command-line settings should be EXPERT |
Item3949 |
Search 'Number of topics' does not show on first search on advanced regex searches |
Item3947 |
Better documentation on how to install CPAN libs (including a reference in the install doc) |
Item3940 |
PREFERENCE values not carried over to preview and then save |
Item3929 |
Make TOPICLIST topic parameter equivalent to other vars |
Item3921 |
renderWikiWordHandler called at wrong place in; change to support bracket notation |
Item3917 |
Add .changes API to Func |
Item3914 |
Some plugins cannot be downloaded using configure |
Item3911 |
default preview tmpl has major bug in release value="%REDIRECTTO" |
Item3909 |
Pattern skin template documentation update |
Item3902 |
Reset Password is broken in MAIN branch |
Item3900 |
New CARET preferences variable |
Item3897 |
Fix sanitizeAttachmentName |
Item3895 |
Structure the TWiki version number to make accessible from plugins (code included) |
Item3892 |
Do not automatically lock user homepages when this is not set in NewUserTemplate |
Item3890 |
EDITTABLE expands variables in table cells |
Item3889 |
$EXISTS() should default to topic in current web |
Item3885 |
Plugin installation doesn't work through some proxies |
Item3883 |
No rendering of TML after used in table cells and multiline bullets |
Item3879 |
Topic rename does not find URL references from topics in different web |
Item3876 |
Better documentation of $FORMAT(PERCENT, ...) |
Item3864 |
renderWikiWordHandler is not documented |
Item3862 |
Parameter passed to preRenderingHandler incorrect |
Item3853 |
WEBLIST docco spelling error (selection=) |
Item3835 |
TWiki.TWikiSiteTools mentions, but does not point out the authentication problems with it |
Item3834 |
USERINFO{format="$groups"} always returns webDotWikiName identifiers |
Item3833 |
Cannot move attachment to topic with non-wikiword name |
Item3832 |
bracket links are not updated during page renames |
Item3829 |
NativeSearch: give gentle warning when no parameters are passed to |
Item3822 |
Table rules for columns are invisible in Internet explorer |
Item3821 |
Document INCLUDE behaviour in TWikiAccessControl |
Item3813 |
Web reference gets inappropriately inserted into bracketed links inside verbatim tags. |
Item3812 |
Space in username not rejected when resetting password |
Item3806 |
add true and false to TWiki::isTrue |
Item3805 |
footerrows setting is ignored when adding rows |
Item3804 | doesn't return the error from the underlying PasswordManager |
Item3803 |
%USERINFO{format="$groups"}% crashes |
Item3796 |
Javascript: ensuring variables are local |
Item3790 |
Web statistic severely broken |
Item3787 |
TWiki.TWikiDocumentation jumps to top at double click |
Item3784 |
Rename across webs bugs |
Item3783 |
Pattern skin small template refactoring |
Item3780 |
Add Sanitize Attachment Name to TWiki::Func |
Item3779 |
Table with backslash breaks EditTablePlugin |
Item3778 |
Lock WebPreferences to person creating web |
Item3775 |
Commentplugin makes inappropriate line ending handling when targeting an anchor |
Item3772 |
TWiki::Func::getOopsUrl() doesn't support def parameter |
Item3771 |
Dutch translation files some special chars mangled |
Item3769 |
Can't create configuration subsection for plugins and contribs |
Item3765 |
configure docco for mail handler should say howto force twiki to use sendmail |
Item3760 |
With rename topic, topic texts are changed as well |
Item3759 |
MailerContrib not mailing groups |
Item3758 |
Remark "There is no size limit for uploaded files." is not relevant to users |
Item3756 |
TWikiRegistrationAgent produces wrongly formated entries |
Item3755 |
Need to document parameterized include |
Item3752 |
Doc fix to AdminSkillsAssumptions |
Item3748 | fails to move directories across filesystems |
Item3743 |
Input bugs in SpreadSheetPlugin::Calc |
Item3742 |
Short description containing TML does not get rendered properly in PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS |
Item3738 |
Avoid "detailed instructions are beyond the scope of this document" |
Item3735 |
WYSIWYG broken for bolded WikiWords |
Item3727 |
Can't login; e-mail wiped out in .htpasswd entry |
Item3725 |
BulkRegister not functioning properly if password Manger is set to NONE |
Item3704 |
Incorrect number of topics indicated with multiple SEARCHes |
Item3703 |
in the size field of a form will crash the forms code |
Item3690 |
exec return an exit code of 1 for a perfectly valid grep |
Item3689 |
CommentPlugin location only works if it is above the %COMMENT... variable |
Item3688 |
Page loads unreasonable slow under IE with Twisty enabled (clone of 3582) |
Item3686 |
Make redirectto parameter work for rename |
Item3684 |
Over-complex CPAN installation instructions |
Item3673 |
Bad expression error in 'more' screen if parent is missing |
Item3668 |
Broken links in topic A if includes topic B in which InterWiki links are defined |
Item3653 |
Document standard extensions in release notes |
Item3652 |
I18N: Urls to file attachments that has umlauts only works in some browsers |
Item3646 |
Make edit form somewhat less spacious |
Item3641 |
Access key char invisible on hover |
Item3639 |
Extension installer in configure floods error_log when checking for installed plugins. |
Item3630 |
Topic URL parameter overwrites revision to which REVINFO variable refers |
Item3623 |
Can't delete attachment with pluses in file name |
Item3621 |
Improve visibility of attachment twisty |
Item3604 |
URL rendering cuts off first part of URL |
Item3594 |
Can't save template topic with mandatory form fields |
Item3592 |
Cleaning up Main.TWikiPreferences |
Item3583 |
'configure' password gets saved as 'smtp' password (in plain text!) |
Item3581 |
Unwanted question mark link in bracket link text |
Item3580 |
redirectto implemented redundantly in several places |
Item3579 |
Usability: [Save] of preferences screen should support access key |
Item3578 |
Deprecate permissionsSet from Func |
Item3575 |
Usability: Use pub url instead of viewfile url in attachment table |
Item3570 |
Usability: Time consuming to create new topic |
Item3567 |
TablePlugin: css attributes priority of site/web preferences too agressive |
Item3486 |
Possible to create topics with unsupported characters |
Item3463 |
Document how to use .spec files for plugin setting in TWiki.TWikiPlugins |
Item3456 |
Doc is unclear that Space In Path Causes Error |
Item3438 |
UnprocessedBulkRegistrationLog is improperly formatted |
Item3375 |
Refactor object names for clarity |
Item3368 |
No existance check for topic used in include |
Item3367 |
EditTablePlugin ignores valid table syntax |
Item3362 |
Update doc topics that have forms |
Item3341 |
invalid Date: header in mailnotify |
Item3289 |
attach a filename with paraens and wikiwords |
Item3246 |
Fix save_error template |
Item3229 |
WysiwygPlugin alters things inside complex twiki vars so they break |
Item3158 |
Don't include anything when trying to include a non existing section |
Item3105 |
Usability: Misleading "Invalid Activation Code" error message |
Item3051 |
Wasted vertical space below edit box |
Item3038 |
Item3009 |
Need clear definition of the impact of spaces on EditTable definition |
Item2975 |
EditTablePlugin format fails for last item |
Item2960 |
I18N: Using UTF8 in headers breaks header anchors |
Item2915 |
Allow date format in form fields |
Item2892 |
TWiki dies with SEARCH on topic that has form field named *Foobar* |
Item2772 |
Mailto link should use %20 instead of   for spaces |
Item2690 |
EditTablePlugin: remove sort links from headers when editing the table |
Item2632 |
Username vs WikiName is confusing in Configure |
Item2615 |
Fully document exposed APIs |
Item2520 |
WebExist uses WebPreferences as opposed to WebHome to determine the validity of a web |
Item2354 |
FuncUsersContrib and MoreFuncContrib and FuncusersContrib should be merged into Func |
Item2326 |
Remove the secret NEWTOPICLINKSYMBOL (was missing docs for NEWTOPIC* ) |
Item2244 |
Documented METASEARCH parameter defaults are not the actual defaults |
Item2221 |
.changes is hardcoded to 500 entries, affecting WebStatistics and MailerContrib |
Item2108 |
Better installation doc for TWikiAdminGroup |
Item2032 |
Some UTF8 characters in form values broken ( interaction) |
Item2005 |
Cannot change configure password without making other changes |
Item1993 |
IE eats newlines |
Item1985 |
Not possible to use CDATA in SEARCH output (prev: RSS feeds chokes on HTML entities in SEARCH results) |
Item1965 |
ResetPassword usability |
Item1870 |
Improvements to installation docs |
Item1860 |
NewUserTemplate should be in Main |
Item1852 |
Lease files are not deleted or renamed when you delete/rename topics with cancelled edit |
Item1828 |
Rendering bug of headings when using MBCS as a heading string |
Item1562 |
RcsFile::searchInWebContent doesn't check exit status of the grep command |
Item1379 |
Table sorting confused when using variables. |
Item5876 |
Make query search ref more clear in VarSEARCH. |
Item5873 |
REVINFO shows unknown user instead of the author value when it cannot map. |
Item5868 |
ApacheHtpasswdUser compile error |
Item5866 |
shortcircuit TWiki::_processTags shortpath for 10-30% TWiki render speed improvement |
Item5854 |
Forking search result collation regex can cause many spurious log entries |
Item5850 |
ResetPassword/ChangePassword combo "Oops: we could not recognize you" |
Item5849 |
regex SEARCH on Native Windows crashes when there are [^] chars or mismatched "s in the regex. |
Item5844 |
Automatic statistics denied by default server configuration |
Item5834 |
Edit in ClassicSkin with action=form still displays the text field for the topic |
Item5833 |
Double header in Classic skin when editing with action=text |
Item5832 |
EDITACTION only works on Edit but not Edit Raw |
Item5831 |
EDITACTION parameter does get replaced properly in the changeform templates if combined with setting EDITACTION |
Item5826 |
improved the security of the password generated for resetPassword |
Item5823 |
Adding MD5 Password Feature |
Item5819 |
Document that 4.2.1 with Wysiwyg will no longer work with Perl 5.6 |
Item5810 |
%IF in a set statement fails |
Item5808 |
TWiki.InstalledPlugins lists Contribs and AddOns but no Skins |
Item5798 |
urlHost field initialized too late in TWiki::new |
Item5796 |
SubscribePlugin and perl 5.8.4 exposes a taint issue in the latest MailerContrib |
Item5794 |
potential dataloss bug in EditTablePlugin 4.8.2 |
Item5790 |
LOCAL_SEARCH does expand nop'ed TML |
Item5789 |
don't rely on the author info being present in attachment meta data |
Item5787 |
square bracket url links don't escape their contents well enough |
Item5786 |
improve TemplateOopsAttentionNotFound message |
Item5776 |
MailerContrib cannot run multiple instances at the same time (document this fact) |
Item5772 |
base and current revisions reversed in diff URL of MailerContrib notify message |
Item5744 |
When renaming webs you get a File does not exist .. twiki_renamedelete.js |
Item5743 |
Easy to goof up web renaming because the default new webname includes subweb. |
Item5741 |
REVTITLE isn't rendered except on rdiff |
Item5739 |
twiki_httpd_conf.txt is inconsistent in the paths it has as default. |
Item5727 |
configure and perl 5.10 dies with Use of uninitialized value $filename in substitution (s///) at (eval 41) line 23 |
Item5726 |
Changing a form when the old form has mandatory fields which are empty causes bogus error |
Item5725 |
Editing in Classic skin gives missing Save and Cancel buttons |
Item5724 |
When you Edit Raw and then add form you end up in Wysiwyg edit mode |
Item5721 |
TinyMCE not honouring Template Topic in special cases. |
Item5716 |
universal edit button work |
Item5711 |
Registration of Zyc ends in the end of TWiki users instead of the last entry in list of users |
Item5703 |
Putting setting with empty value in 'Topic Preference' interface does not work. |
Item5701 |
tempatetopic not implemented as per the docco in TWikiScripts |
Item5690 |
Chinese is fail on newest TinyMCEPlugin / WysiwygPlugin |
Item5688 |
Documentation of eachChangeSince uses $iterator and $it |
Item5687 |
TWikiScripts docco for formtemplate is missing details. |
Item5677 |
META tag does not show form field data in 4.2 |
Item5674 |
IF and Query have problems if some part of an evaluated statement is undef |
Item5668 |
twiki form Hidden Labels aren't being hidden in view mode. |
Item5667 |
Named jp.po to ja.po to match locale. Fixed the translation of the word Japanese |
Item5656 |
CGI::charset called in BEGIN{} breaks mod_perl preloading of |
Item5655 |
Query and IF info.version value is not compatible with the common external representation of topic revision |
Item5649 |
INCLUDE{"WebHome" section=""} returns nothing. |
Item5648 |
LINKTOOLTIPINFO format cannot be changed |
Item5643 |
REVINFO with topic= set to a non-existant topic returns stupid values. |
Item5638 |
readdir/closedir attempted on invalid dirhandle on perl-5.10 |
Item5636 |
Main Web preferences lists nonexistant topic in WEBFORM |
Item5633 |
Documentation mistakes in TWikiFuncDotPm/saveTopic |
Item5632 |
moveAttachment creates duplicates when topic/web are the same as the source |
Item5631 |
WebStatistics topic was linking to the massive TWikiDocumentation topic |
Item5630 |
spooling erra's in the WebNotify topics |
Item5629 |
registration email does not explicitly tell the user what their login is. |
Item5627 |
Image and Attachment references are trashed when using short URLs |
Item5626 |
Encoding problem with iso-8859 and umlauts |
Item5622 |
Jumping text with blockindent on IE |
Item5620 |
Core: edit window no longer has focus on load |
Item5615 |
ActionTracker with CommentPlugin order Dependencies |
Item5612 |
Selecting "All Public Webs" option not sticking in UI |
Item5609 |
Bug in lib/TWiki/Prefs/ (CGI::H3 should be CGI::h3) |
Item5602 |
Web Rename not following ALLOWWEBRENAME Preference |
Item5601 |
registerHandler should be called once per registration |
Item5597 |
default skin search template is broken for webchanges |
Item5593 |
raw=on broken on topics with a view_template |
Item5588 |
INCLUDE of attached HTML files fails in subwebs |
Item5562 |
Query type Search does not report with large number of topics |
Item5559 |
TWikiJavascript does not enable partial js usage. |
Item5556 |
it appears that BuildContrib defaults all unspecified permissions to 664? |
Item5554 |
Missuse of sort and loops |
Item5547 |
"action" parameter for "edit" script fail in 4.2 |
Item5542 |
After you enable {UserInterfaceInternationalisation} first view shows an error |
Item5540 |
TWikiUserMapping: single character erroneously reported as a group |
Item5536 |
robots.txt is missing some obvious scripts - like login |
Item5535 |
IF{"$BANNER" does not really work. |
Item5534 |
missing contexts for several bin scripts |
Item5533 |
tmpl login script does not do writeCompletePage, so it does not get addToHEAD bits. |
Item5529 |
SEARCHes of type word do not work if word is non-English and with TWiki running utf-8 |
Item5526 |
WebSearch link "Get notified on changes on this search" breaks when search string contains quote |
Item5518 |
"URLPARAM{" in Comment Box when type="bulletabove" |
Item5517 |
Wrong call $session->{i18n} |
Item5516 |
LanguageSelector javascript breaks on topic names with underscores |
Item5514 |
suppressTWikiSaveValidation and validateTWikiMandatoryFields Javascript errors in IE and Firefox |
Item5509 |
IF & query String matching may be incorrectly greedy. |
Item5501 |
IF allows does not work correctly if the topic does not exist. |
Item5499 |
TWiki::UI::Resister::changePassword sends login, not cUID to TWiki::Users::setPassword |
Item5495 |
add twikiBroadcastMessage class div to default & classic skins |
Item5491 |
FileAttachment documentation fix - {AutoAttachPubDir} should read {AutoAttachPubFiles} |
Item5490 |
%REVTITLE2% not substituted in |
Item5478 |
Personal left bar is potentially buggy in layout |
Item5467 |
Pickaxe saves absolute URL instead of ATTACHURL |
Item5466 |
default and classic search.tmpl's have one table per topic result |
Item5462 |
Hide Attachment option does not work |
Item5461 |
default skin does not show the form attached to the topic. |
Item5458 |
Rename web drop all link refer to the web |
Item5457 |
TinyMCE breaks Cyrillic Encoding (cp1251 or KOI8-R) |
Item5451 |
MailInContrib reveals error in, that has been carried over to LdapContrib |
Item5450 |
MailInContrib docs refer to bin/mailincron but actually its in tools |
Item5449 |
TWiki::Sandbox::sysCommand leaves an extra process if command fails |
Item5447 |
If manage requires login, impossible to change password |
Item5443 |
Searches order="editby" are sorted by login ID (cUID) instead of WikiName making result look random |
Item5432 |
Image links inserted with Manage Attachment only work with lower case file extension |
Item5431 | redirects to TWikiUsers topic on error, even though that topic may not exist |
Item5430 |
reset password message has some errors |
Item5428 |
Topic save error with form does not remove nop |
Item5426 |
RSS feeds failing due to newlines at top of page. |
Item5418 |
readme.txt refers to missing 'install instructions' TWikiDocumentation.html |
Item5412 |
"You are trying to templatetopic a topic that does not exist" makes no sense |
Item5410 |
WebSearchAdvanced does not regex search when you select that it should |
Item5405 |
TWikiHierarchicalNavigation seach broken |
Item5399 |
DISPLAYTIME documentation improved |
Item5393 |
Adding bullet right after a heading adds annoying html paragraph tags |
Item5387 |
Issue with multi-span rows and the EditRowPlugin / TablePlugin |
Item5382 | sets wrong urlHost if https protocol and ShorterUrlCookbook is used |
Item5348 |
Comment regarding FINALPREFERENCES should also mention subwebs. |
Item5345 |
Logging in as admin still redirects to main home |
Item5344 |
PatternSkin small bug fixes and enhancements after 4.2 |
Item5343 |
Can't set parent to none anymore |
Item5339 |
Attachment uploaded by name not shown as TWiki link in 4.2 for attachments uploaded by TWiki 4.1.2 |
Item5324 |
Oops allows the template url parameter to pass through without filtering. |
Item5316 |
PHP flag in pub-htaccess.txt is not working with PHP running as CGI |
Item5314 |
TinyMCE breaks Chinese, Japanese, Korean Unicode Encoding upon entering "Edit Twiki Markup" from WYSIWYG |
Item5311 |
deep recursion in getEmails() |
Item5307 |
Plugins with beforeAttachmentSaveHandler break file attachments with TWiki 4.2.0 |
Item5294 |
Wysywig & TinyMCE corrupt some topics. |
Item5293 |
DATE in to follow configured displaytime |
Item5288 |
META tag doesn't call expandStandardEscapes() and crashes (trunk only does not affect 4.2.1) |
Item5287 |
Linking is totally broken - in 4.2 WikiWord links do not work - in 4.1.2 buttons are disabled |
Item5284 |
You cannot paste into Wysiwyg in IE unless you are in Intranet security zone (documentation issue) |
Item5283 |
EditTablePlugin dollar percent expansion does not work well together with SpreadSheetPlugin |
Item5276 |
Link to Release Notes 4.1 in distribution documentation of 4.2.0 |
Item5258 |
Preview does not set ORIGINALREV and other values in edit.tmpl, so continuing from there has problems |
Item5257 |
TinyMCE pads bullets incl. "set" variables with trailing spaces breaking some plugins and TWiki apps. |
Item5232 |
Locales problem in and Subscibe.pmI |
Item5206 |
Image not shown , when inserting image with Image button and not using any path |
Item5182 |
"save" does not treat bad templatetopic as an error |
Item5176 |
%SCRIPTSUFFIX is added twice in TOC links |
Item5124 |
Registration confirmation should contain name, not WikiName |
Item5118 |
Difference from 4.1.2 - 4.2: Apache loginname no longer works with access control lists |
Item5116 |
WYSIWYG Line Returns Removed In Opera |
Item5053 |
Dropdown in TinyMCE help text is confusing |
Item4946 |
urlDecode() not working for characters represented by Unicode code points |
Item4922 |
add the other meta field infos to the output of FORMFIELD{format=""} |
Item4863 |
Removal of RcsDirs feature (was RcsWrap does not support RcsDirs) |
Item4824 |
Security bug: TWiki's user management code needs rework again |
Item4780 |
Twisty addToHEAD does not work in login template |
Item4741 |
%META{"formfield" ....} does not expand |
Item4289 |
Document effect if INCLUDE on access control settings |
Item4288 |
Document what happens if access control set more than once |
Item3824 |
Possible to hijack TOPIC or WEB variable making editing a topic with one of these defined impossible |
Item3715 |
Simplify I18N configuration |
Item3502 |
preview of a slideshow is corrupted |
Item3048 |
Documented that CGI version 2.89 causes character entities to not be escaped in Raw View |
Item1861 |