Item2927 |
Topic moved message too visible |
Item6283 |
upgrade tinyMCE to latest version in TinyMCEPlugin |
Item3647 |
Usability: Control over variable expansion in topic templates |
Item5025 |
InterwikiPlugin: Allow special characters in "Page" of Site:Page |
Item6148 |
HeadlinesPlugin: Support for {PROXY}{HOST} and {PROXY}{PORT} configure settings |
Item6176 |
Search: Add footer parameter to Formatted Search |
Item6180 |
HeadlinesPlugin: Support for {PROXY}{SkipProxyForDomains} configure setting, USERAGENTNAME plugin setting |
Item6184 |
Search: Add Number of Topics to Formatted Search |
Item6189 |
Usability: Replace question mark links with red links to point to non-existing topics |
Item6199 |
Enhancement: Add TWikiNetSkin to Distribution |
Item6200 |
Enhancement: Add HeadlinesPlugin to Distribution |
Item6222 |
SpreadSheetPlugin: New functions $EMPTY(), $INSERTSTRING(), $LEFTSTRING(), $RIGHTSTRING(), $SUBSTRING() functions |
Item6226 |
Include: Specify a list of domains to exclude from proxy with {PROXY}{SkipProxyForDomains} setting |
Item6227 |
Documentation: 17 new TWikiDocGraphics images |
Item6228 |
Security: Option to send signed e-mail with S/MIME |
Item6253 |
$WORKINGDAYS is returning invalid results |
Item6259 |
Prevent GUI-based rename of TWiki web and Main web |
Item6267 |
FORMFIELD expands $title to field name if $title exists in field value |
Item6295 |
Preferences For Raw Edit or Wysiwyg Edit |
Item1607 |
%TOC% does not distinguish two headlines that have the same text |
Item2525 |
TablePlugin produces bad links for sorting when using "short" URLs |
Item4835 |
SpreadSheetPlugin: SUBSTITUTE error when text=old and replace is empty |
Item5176 |
%SCRIPTSUFFIX% is added twice in %TOC% links |
Item5471 |
SpreadSheetPlugin: The character 0 cannot be replaced using the REPLACE-funtion |
Item5910 |
TablePlugin: %TOC% variable creates links with unecessary query string |
Item5914 |
TWiki::Request::url() must support -rewrite, -absolute and -relative |
Item5920 |
TWikiGroups shows all members twice |
Item5939 |
Rogue <p /> below </html> on every topic in every web |
Item5960 |
Incorrect Content-length breaks HTTP headers, a.o. pound fail results |
Item5961 |
WysiwygPlugin: Bolding single character within a word introduces spaces around bolded character |
Item5991 |
JSCalendarContrib: Does not work correctly in IE7 |
Item5994 |
Secure configure script with taint mode turned on |
Item6005 |
EditTablePlugin: "label"-formatted cell changed in unexpected way |
Item6022 |
%ENCODE{}% treats % as safe character |
Item6026 |
With header format emtpy table is initialized with one column only |
Item6031 |
TablePlugin: Date sorting is broken. |
Item6041 |
TinyMCE bug with Firefox 3 and bulleted lists |
Item6050 |
statistics script fails when cuid is not equal login name (as login name is what's in the log files...) |
Item6054 |
TwistyPlugin: No longer possible to have a twisty on one line without linebreak |
Item6060 |
configure's get more extensions does not work well without LWP |
Item6061 |
TWiki::Func::getContext documention |
Item6138 |
Bullet lists in form fields are not rendered properly |
Item6163 |
CommentPlugin: Lost data if it's targeted before/after a missing anchor. |
Item6167 |
TWiki Forms expand variables like $nop, $quote $percnt |
Item6170 |
Plugin installation fails on windows: line 684 |
Item6171 |
Per RFC 5321, single quote is allwed in e-mail addresses |
Item6178 |
Statistics script does not handle properly topics with special characters |
Item6185 |
Missing newline in Formatted Search if footer used |
Item6186 |
Review code for robustness and security |
Item6208 |
WebChanges does not work on Windows |
Item6220 |
TwistyPlugin: Twisty can't be placed in TWiki table cells |
Item6223 |
Users can't edit content in Main web |