Settings for WysiwygPlugin that are common to most editor integrations
The global TWiki Variable WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE can be set to make the plugin sensitive to what is in a topic, before allowing it to be edited. You can set it up to veto an edit if the topic contains:
html - HTML tags (e.g. <div>, not including <br>), or
variables - simple variables (e.g. %VAR%) or
calls - TWiki variables with parameters e.g. %VARIABLE{...}%
pre blocks (<pre>)
HTML comments (<!-- ... -->)
If the plugin detects an excluded construct in the topic, it will refuse to allow the edit and will redirect to the default editor.
If you excluded calls in WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE, you can still define a subset of TWiki variables that do not block edits. this is done in the global TWiki variable WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS, which should be a list of TWiki variable names separated by vertical bars, with no spaces, e.g: * Set WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS = COMMENT|CALENDAR|INCLUDE
You should set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE and WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS in TWikiPreferences, or in WebPreferences for each web.
You can define the global variable WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS to stop the
plugin from ever trying to convert specific HTML tags into
HTML when certain specific attributes are present on the tag. This is most
useful when you have styling or alignment information in tags that must be
This variable is used to tell the translator which attributes, when present
on a tag, make it "stick" i.e. block conversion. For example, setting it to
table=background,lang;tr=valign will stop the translator from trying to
handle any table tag that has background or lang attributes, and any
tr tag that has a valign attribute.
You can use perl regular expressions to match tag and attribute names, so .*=id,on.* will ensure that any tag with an on* event handler is kept as HTML.
The default setting for this variable is: